
This is the story of a girl who fell from the top of the world.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Special News Update 


CASE NUMBER 3050 IS BACK FROM THE US OF A!!!!!! oH MY gAWD I am so going to hyperventilate and die caaaaaan. I was trying so hard not to die because I was with my colleague. GAWDDDDDD. And I think he is working at the same place!!!!!! CAN I DIE HAPPY OR CAN I DIE HAPPY???!!!! Ok, I think I am a little over the top, but THIS IS SO EXCITING CAAAAAAn...

I messaged all my fellow Buangsters and they all think he will need some luck, or rather loads of it in order to avoid me. And GX ended with: "once a stalker, always a stalker" =.="' . NO HOR. I am so not going to stalk him caaaan... not like I have the means la, so yah, I am not going to stalk him caaaaan. But it would be fun to find his name on the staff directory. hur hur hurrrrrrrr

Anyway I went for my long overdue trim today and did a little highlight. I like. My hairdresser is good, at least she knows my style and recommended me the curl that I've been eyeing for a while. I like. My momma thinks it's ok, so guys catch my straight hair soon before they become history... WEEEEEeEEEeeEEe~

Oh my gawd, I am so not going to wear any super-slack clothes to work from now on.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Last Christmas 

or should I say, this Christmas?

It's not such a good one anyway, since I spent it mainly on the bed. Alright, I admit, I was greedy and I tried to swallow down a dozen of raw oysters during Christmas lunch together with 1/2 a salmon. Right.

So all I'm asking for next Christmas is not have to spend it like that, ever again. *I think it's easier that those 2 front teeth right?*

On a rather related note, I enjoy giving because I like to see the joy on people's faces, or simply I enjoy the thought of seeing them happy. The same goes for giving treats and such, I simply think since it makes life easier for all, and since I can still afford within my humble means, why not? So just want to clarify things, I am NOT trying to act rich. And I think I am rather offended *and/or hurt, depending who you are* when you think so. For those who are concerned, thank you very much, I will try to share my joy less in future.

Anyway, Choo has started an
online store selling kiddy's stuffs. Do drop by if you need to buy things for your kids/nephews/nieces/cousins/yada-yada-yada. I think they look pretty cool and I think the price is pretty reasonable *I'm not saying it's cheap but I think it's reasonable, no, I am not acting rich*. So yup, do drop by if you wish la~~

There's some ridiculous thoughts running through my head today. And I've wrote myself a 'so-not-going-to-happen' theme song ala Ally Mcbeal. *You know how she got a theme song to perk her up*. SO I've got myself a 'so-not-going-to-happen' theme song that will help me zap out the ridiculous thoughts. And it basically goes 'so-not-going-to-happen' like 3684613 times. So after 3684613 times, I will be laughing at how ridiculous my theme song is and forget about my ridiculous thoughts. Until they return again. Then I start my 'so-not-going-to-happen' theme song again. hur hur.

Someone was right. Not the 桃花 though. But I really got another job offer from someone. But right now, I think I like my job. Even though the job prospect seems to be better, I think I would like to hang around a little while more. *and tolerate those beyond-fucking-stupid emails*

Next Christmas, I plan to do shopping by October, so that I do not have to go through the MAD Christmas rush I went through this year. I am glad that I've got most of the presents, though I must admit it would've been better if I actually planned. I must thank
Coins, my cramping curse and The gurlfren for braving the terrible, terrible 'storm' over at Taka the other day and The gurlfren's boyfriend, My Bleeding curse for being such a kind soul by picking us up at the ultra crowded Orchard Road and giving us a free night tour around Singapore before sending us home*I know it's all for your gurlfren laaa, but still I am grateful laaa*.

I was talking to LZ, my colleague about my Christmas shopping trip and I think somehow she thinks I only got 3 friends. Right. OK la, my 'only 3 friends' I will remember the Turkish meal laaaa...

Oh and the chalet was not quite a blast but it was good cos' I managed to get some sleep. Thank you
Ngoh hiang soh and BFSW or Ngoh Hiang Pek for being so supportive. I really appreciate it. And to NHS : I can loan you my 'so-not-going-to happen' theme song, cos I am so not going to cook for you when you are hungry, unless it's another chalet that I am willing and able to cook, again.

Oh and the
Chocolate Fudge cake is *I quote* FANTABULOUS. I shall try other flavours next time, if possible.

Yep, this year has been a rather fun one, but can I be greedy to ask for a better one next year? I will try to be a better person, and stop being a racist, and stop telling people to go back to where they belong and stop calling people stupid and stop laughing at people's misfortunes and stop stepping on people's toes when they try to block my way and stop avoiding people and stop buying things unnecessarily. Yup I will try to be a better person, I promise. Can? Can???
*I will also try to tidy up my room, I promise.*

Yep, so for those who are wondering.. I am still alive and kicking, life's been pretty good to me and I'm grateful. I've been going to church almost weekly with my pappa and momma and we like to have Commonwealth Market 'Hay Mee' or Woodlands 'Hay Mee' or Ten Mile Junction 'Kway Chup' or Jurong West 'Chicken Porridge' on Sunday mornings. I'm still not very over the fact that I've put on like 7kgs or so over the past 1 1/2 year and is still learning to come to terms with it. You will still have to refrain from telling me about my weight gain lest I might poke your eyes or slaaaaap your silly face.

Yep, I'm heading back to KL this weekend with my momma. I hope it doesn't rain. DANIEL~~~~ Chie chie is coming homeeeeee~~~ Oh and Sarah, she sent me sms-es that go like these:

Lisa chacha are you free magazine now
Meaning: Lisa* the name my family calls me la* chiechie *jiejie* are you free to collect your magazines now? Apparently she haven't learn much about sentence structure..

2.At Swesen
Meaning: She wants to have dinner at Swensens, hence she wants to meet me there.

3.Its me Sarah i swensn
Meaning: She's telling me she's using her momma's phone and she really wants Swensens. *of cos' I know her momma don't message like that*

4. Hi lisa chacha it is sarah talking how are you i hope your ok
Meaning: Her momma was out of the bathroom and had taught her how to sms nicely.

Such a darling that girl...

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The customary entry 

I arrived at the bowling alley, age 23 and I left the place one year older. GAWD. And this morning, I woke up with a paper cut.

Anyway, thanks for the company! And to Coins: Thanks for the entertainment. WHAHAHAHHAHA.

THanks everyone for remembering!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Chalets chalets... 

I have 2 chalets coming up on the next 2 weekends.

The first one. I do not know what it is for nor do I know who is really in charge of getting people and so can everyone stop bleddy asking me who is coming cos' I have not idea? Perhaps it would help if you all can pass the message around and maybe ask for a confirmation or something instead of just bleddy asking me who is coming, cos, I stress this again, I don't freaking know. *sigh*

On the other hand, the other chalet is an office one, I think I will bring my favourite Port Wine.

Bleddy Hell. I need to pee.

Post note: I just received a lunch invitation from my ex-office at Sakura. I am so going to become a pumpkin. GAWD....

Thursday, December 07, 2006

3 more days before I grow older 

Right, it's 3 more day before I turn.. well.. Coins decided not to count down to my birthdat cos' it's Monday right after my birthday. People have been asking me what I would like for the big day. Why don't I refer you to my September 24th post on what NOT to buy for me.. hur hur.. Or you can refer to my November 10th entry if you have a deep pocket to burn laaaaa... Anyway, just stay happy and healthy for me la.

Meiqi is getting married at the end of this month. Before I head back KL on the 30th. Meiqi was my colleague back in the MW2/SOS/Reading Room days... She and Linying joined shortly after me and they are like my 2 younger sisters there. And one is married while the other is getting married. *yah la, go ahead and laugh* Anyway I am really happy for both of them.. I so missed the crazy screwed up nights we had. It was tiring, but it was worth it I supppose. *hugs*

Yup, nothing much happening lately. I went JB with my favouritest gang on Saturday and no prize for guessing who the biggest shopper was la huh... Anyway, we had lunch at this place called KimGary, selling Hongkie food. Perhap we ordered the wrong thing , but I didn't think the food was fantastic.. I think I deserve better after having starved the whole day.. Or rather 1/2 the day.

I was on MC on Wednesday *specially mentioning this for
THE un-Bimbo , so happy or not?* And we went for sushi buffet~~ And I bought $60 worth of.. underwear. CAN YOU FREAKING BELIEVE IT??!! I think I am really a sucker for good service. And I finally bought my shiny blue shoes, and another pair of shiny red ones. They are now known as lucky shiny red shoes cos my colleagues and I managed to catch a bus when I wore that shoes. Right.

Think I need to pee again. Adieus!

Post note: The above was written in the office and edited here at home. hur hur. My bro asked what I would like for this year. I told him 1/2 of his bonus. whahahaha. I think he was that close to slapping me, if my momma were not around. muahuahuahuahua. HAIYAH I don't know la, the things I want don't come cheap and not like you will buy for me, so no point also laaaa. Oh any that silly RED mobile service provider sent me a very nice card asking to me to renew with them. The deal is NOT GOOD AT ALLL LAAAAA... I've been with them *from the Pod days* till now for at least like 4 years caaaaaaaannnn. Fine I do not always pay my bills on time, but give me some credit for being loyal lorrrrr... this is actually my 2nd contract with them lo... those pathetic phones or the pathetic $8 rebate. Kaos. I am calling up the ORANGE and GREEN providers to find out more about number portability. Generally I think RED service sucks big time la. I'll go down one day and see if I can bargain a better deal... hur hur.

So how? What do you think I can demand ask from my korrrr?

I'm buying a new phone cos age is catching up with the old one. I think I will buy a phone without contract since that silly RED provider is not offering anything nice and I do not like to be bounded by contracts. So yep, anywhere to recommend to buy phones from? I'm deciding between Sony Ericsson K800i and Sony Ericsson W850i. The former has a kewl 3.2mp camera and no 3G while the latter has 2.0mp camera and 3G. Not like I use 3G but you never know when it will become useful right? So what do you think? I think the should let us customise our phones. Like you know, select the functions we need, assemble it and taadaaah, our own special phone. Of cos' that will come with a price.. but I think it is a very cool idea. So I won't get a phone with mp3 functions I prolly won't use since I have Poddy or things like that. I like~~

Sunday, December 03, 2006

The 24th resolution 

It's 7 days to my birthday before I turn 24 and 'graciously' wave goodbye to my youth. I haven't thought much about my birthday the past few years because I was usually working during the vacations. This year, since there are no more nights to burn, no more soul to sell, I've decided to make a list of unfortunate events that happened to me over the years, and hopefully by forcing myself to face them, I could strike them off the list and move on like Earl. I think I am ready, I need to be. As I laid on my bed one night, reminiscing the good'ol times, I can vaguely remember the fateful night the final blow came. I remember it was Chamomile Tea I was having and it's ironic cos' I remember it's called 'Quietly Chamomile'. And I told myself to have that sip of peaceful, 'quiet' Charmomile tea while anticipating that storm which ultimately caused my world to collapse in a single breath. And it came, undoubtedly. I remember sitting there wondering how to go about picking up the pieces. My fears were not unfounded, but somehow I was still taken aback by the series of events that led to that final blow. I was the catalyst and I've got only myself to blame. The memory is no longer as vivid as it used to be and I think I've more or less come to terms with the whole episode. I think I'm even prepared to give my sincerest help when the time comes. It's that storm that forced to me to take a closer look at the more unfortunate event in my life. SLE. Before the storm came, I never had much of a problem with it. Perhaps life was still hopeful then. Perhaps I had other worries that I deemed more worthy of my attention. But Dr. Kwek had another theory. Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross came up with the Five Stages of Grief that people go through during emotional healing. Denial, anger/resentment, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Of course, it is not necessarily in that order, and that's exactly what happened to me. I managed to accept the fact, bypassing all other emotions. Which is good, until the storm came. And it triggered all other emotions. I feel like I'm walking on a landmine that is wide enough for one. It's a long, lonely road that I pretend to strut across effortlessly. Some days I fall and I wait for the heads to turn before I breakdown. I do not like to think how far I can go or how long I can go. On this landmine I am plodding along, every step is a blessing. And I'm grateful for all that I have and all that is to come.
My declaration of Love
I need to know how to feel without you.. I need to find myself, to give you the space you need, to move in a different direction from yours.. I want to know how life can go on without you.. I want to embrace joy, indulge in love, to enjoy every drop of sunshine that falls on me.. I will conquer my fear of living in a world without you.. I will live my life as though I had never met you...