Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Birthday wishes..
Happy birthday to my January friends like LZ, Yee Chern, Theresa, Fad and not forgetting you (I know you stalk me sometimes) MAMA Feng! I am so looking forward to our meet up on the 1st, when I can finally meet Baby Feng (who is currently still a lump).
My preferred version of the song.
Ain't Tom and Bill cuuuuutttte?
I feel so paedophillic. whahahahahah
Monday, January 19, 2009
Damn you mosquitoes!!!!
I am very very very SAD. I am going to miss Jason Mraz's performance again. Miss Smelly Feet has just announced that the tickets are sold out. Now there are only single seat tickets left. While I am ok catching a movie alone, catching a concert alone is an idea I am not very keen on. Maybe me and Miss Smelly Feet can try to get single seats tickets that are near each other. HUR HUR.
In other news, I was quite amazed by the things I found while I was packing th ecubicle for the shift this Thur. Why would I even bring paintbrushes to the office?!
Live high Live mighty Live righteously
Takin it easy
Live high, live mighty Live righteously
For Miss Smelly Feet who got addicted to my favourite drink and is resorting to youtube for Jason Mraz because I forgot to pass her the CD.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Class reunion!
On top of that, guess who was on bus 154 today? THE STAR TREK FAN!! Can you imagine such coincidence, meeting 2 people from the same class on the same day? Anyway I did not approach him as he was with his friend and I was in an unglam state and I don't want to give him the opportunity to call me 'auntie'. hur hur.
Anyway, I messaged him to confirm and he replied:
-Kns! Stalk u? I might as well make friends with a cockroach! Hiakhiak! So bad u, dun even wan to say hi. What were u doin @ Sunset Way anyway?
I was thinking at least he is no longer claiming to be busy holding his autograph sessions. AND THEN..
-Oh ok. But u still bad u, treat me transparent. How can like that? Me Leh! The greatest man that mankind has ever since!Do u know HOW MANY fans are clamouring to be in your position to bump into me? hiakhiak!
Meh. Somethings never change.
Man, bring me back to 16!
Just stay far, far, far, far away. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. kthxbye
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Annual Report
I had a busy year end having rounds of eating sessions and catching up with different friends! I'm loving it!
The Silly was here to visit her favourite cousin (me!) again (she came almost exactly one month ago and both times I was cramping). My cousin loves me!!~
Over 2 days I:
- Made Silly walk from Beach Road to Suntec to Raffles City
- Finally bought a new pair of Levis and traded in my brand new pair of Old Navy (which I have no idea why I bought it).
- Ate dessert every day
- Witnessed a crime (someone stealing Coke bottleS)
- Bought Silly a dress
- Revisited places like Keong Saik Street and Liang Seah Street
- Discovered Can Cafe is no longer around (my lost youth!!)
- Got really sick and got well overnight (I strongly believe in the power of the mind.. and shopping)
Anyway I am glad I do not have to visit the Bird Park though I think I don't mind the Zoo or the Night Safari if we had the time. Maybe next time, Silly! It was a fun weekend with Silly and Kris, hope to see you in Melbs in Oct (if budget allows). I want my beef noodles and loads of pig's blood okaeeeeeeeeee!!!
Congrats to 赵笨 on being a property owner. WEeeee! We'll have new drinking place come April. She's so going to kill me.
In other news, the 'puter is getting from down to downer and I sincerely hope it will not shut down before I post this entry. I think it's time to get a replacement puter. Laptop or Mac? I like the Sony Vaios (brand loyalty) but the Mac looks so delicious! *sigh* Decisions, decisions...
In other other news, I went swimming today! Momma commented that I am looking flabbier and suggested that we visit Jean Yip together. -_- I've decided I shall swim more often this month until I decide to return to the gym in February (why February? Because I am cheapskate, so don't ask!) I shall not resort to Jean Yip! She should leave me alone. I am healthy and happy.. and flabby. MEH.
I heard on the news that children should spend 2 to 3 hours in the open under the sun and they will have better eye-sight. Can you tell me how Singapore students can squeeze 2-3hours a day or a week even to go out and play in the sun?
A song I was looking for at the KTV but they have everything but this one. Bah!(Yes I know it's another C-side song)
One of the greatest enlightenment in 2008 is the fact that happiness is really a choice. I am beginning to accept that there are situations beyond my control, people whom I cannot please, feelings that can never be mutual. I am learning how not to dwell on things that will never change, love that cannot be returned. Live and let live. Have no expectations. I guess that sums up my resolution for 2009!My declaration of Love |
I need to know how to feel without you.. I need to find myself, to give you the space you need, to move in a different direction from yours.. I want to know how life can go on without you.. I want to embrace joy, indulge in love, to enjoy every drop of sunshine that falls on me.. I will conquer my fear of living in a world without you.. I will live my life as though I had never met you... |