Tuesday, August 31, 2004
is a new name that I got to 'find out'. Shall not elaborate further.. hur hurrr
I aM tHe coNtiNuiTy oF aN eStrAngEd pAst N tHe rEcoNciLiAtiOn oF tHe bRave fUTuRe..
Always liked this quote.. hur hurrr
Just some random thoughts for now, before I forget everything, again.
I aM tHe coNtiNuiTy oF aN eStrAngEd pAst N tHe rEcoNciLiAtiOn oF tHe bRave fUTuRe..
Always liked this quote.. hur hurrr
Just some random thoughts for now, before I forget everything, again.
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Beat the Blues and Get Your Life Back
Identify How Your Life Impacts Your Moods
How did you get depressed? In most cases, the way people have been living their lives is part of the problem. This might mean working at a career that does not interest them, trying to live up to others' expectations, protecting themselves from emotional pain through isolation, or simply getting very little exercise. Not surprisingly, the way you spend your day can have a powerful impact on your mood. Here are some of the day-to-day problems that can affect the way you feel:
Letting chores accumulate
Every day you are faced with a myriad of small demands on your time.
The mail arrives and needs to be opened. Your dentist's office calls to remind you to book a checkup. Your sister's birthday arrives and you want to send her a card. Think of these tasks as small lead weights placed in a backpack that you wear wherever you go. They sit in the backpack until you deal with them, then they vanish. None of them is particularly heavy. Taken together, however, they build up.
What do you do with these tasks? Do you deal with them quickly or do you let them accumulate? People who let them build up carry a heavier weight than other people do. Because each is so small, their influence is often invisible. You may think: "How could that electricity bill cause depression? It's such a little thing." The problem is the sheer number of these tasks waiting to be done. Most of the accumulation usually comes from putting off tasks until later, resulting in a backlog.
Here are a few signs that you may be letting things build up: There is a pile of mail and other papers waiting to be dealt with in your home. You have numerous to-do lists lying around, but never seem to get through them. When you feel overwhelmed you set tasks aside until you "feel like doing it." You get anxious about the number of little details you should have dealt with before now.
Human beings did not evolve to work in dimly lit offices, to perform the same task over and over again, or to tolerate any of dozens of other characteristics of the modern workplace. Nevertheless, we can manage such activities and thrive, as long as they do not take over our lives. We live in a culture in which hard work has become a moral virtue. But overwork is associated with increased stress, declining interest and enthusiasm for the work, burnout, disability, and depression. A possible exception is the person who works extremely hard at a job he or she loves, out of a fascination for the work (and not out of guilt, a need to please the boss, or fear of financial consequences).
Lack of enjoyable activities
One of the things that sustains healthy mood is to spend time doing the activities you like. A lack of rewarding activities appears to be a risk factor for depression. People have few rewards in their lives for all kinds of reasons. Do any of these sound familiar to you?
My life is too demanding, leaving little time to do the things I like.
I have little money and everything enjoyable seems to involve cash.
I believe that doing things for pleasure is wrong, evil, or selfish.
I was raised to believe that enjoyment should be a low priority in my life.
I don't enjoy things the way I did before I got depressed. If you fit any of these descriptions you may have a serious problem: You are fun-impaired. You fail to recognize that enjoyment is an important part of life, and should be high on your list of priorities. Furthermore, doing at least some of the things you like can help give you the energy and motivation you need to do the things you think you should be doing.
Lack of exercise
There is a remarkably strong link between exercise and mood problems. Physically fit people are generally less depressed and anxious than less active people. Low fitness has been demonstrated to be a risk factor for the development of depression. Adoption of a regular exercise program has been found to reduce depression and anxiety as effectively, in some cases, as psychotherapy or medication.
Poor social support
At an emotional level, social support isn't the mere presence of a crowd of people, it is their willingness to support you, validate your emotions, see things from your perspective, and comment on your positive qualities and successes. Many people have a crowd of acquaintances, but no social support whatsoever. Considerable evidence indicates that social support is a significant protective factor against the onset of depressive symptoms and that it aids in recovery.
Lack of perceived control
Imagine two people. One person decides to take up skydiving and eventually makes a jump. The other is kidnapped off the street, forced into a plane, strapped into a parachute, and thrown out in midair. How do you think you would feel in either person's shoes?
There are several differences between these two cases, but the biggest is the sense of control. The first person freely chooses skydiving; the second is forced into it. The psychological consequences are immense. The first, upon landing safely, is likely to feel an amazed exhilaration. The second will probably be seriously traumatized.
This faintly absurd situation has parallels in everyday life. Research routinely shows that the perception that we have control over a situation makes the situation less stressful. Conversely, the belief that our life is out of our control is thought to be a risk factor for depression.
Sometimes it isn't the job that makes us work too hard. Sometimes we take on more than we can realistically handle. Driving the kids to hockey practice? Sure. Cooking dinner for the holidays? No problem. Serving on the condo committee? Absolutely. Volunteer work? You bet. Caring for that ill relative? Of course. You can handle any of these things, but not all of them. There are 168 hours in a week. The closer your commitments come to that total, the more stress you put yourself under. The moment your commitments pass 168 hours, your life has become unworkable. Something has got to give, and it might well be you.
Step 1 Activity:The 168-Hour Question
How do you spend the hours of your life? What do you do, exactly? Take some time to make a list of all the different activities that you perform in a given week. Figure out the number of hours each week that you spend on each one. Make a rough guess, and don't get too obsessive about the total -- at least, not yet.
A partial list is below. Copy this list into a journal or sheet of paper, or print it out. Fill in the number of hours per week for each activity. Try not to count the same activity twice. For example, if you use the telephone to make work-related calls, you may want to count the time under "work time" and not "phone time," and only record the time spent talking with friends under "phone time." Include additional activities at the end of the list. Also consider breaking some activities down into separate categories, if that seems appropriate given your life. For example, you might have four categories instead of one for socializing (with spouse, friends, family and work colleagues).
____Trying to get to sleep
____Continuing education(e.g., night school)
____Preparing food and eating
____Shopping (including groceries)
____Grooming (showering, brushing teeth, using washroom, etc.)
____Household cleaning, laundry, etc.
____Home maintenance, repairs
____Computer/Internet(apart from work)
____Sexual activity
____Talking on phone
____Pet or plant care(including gardening)
____Caring for other relatives
____Spirituality(meditation, church, etc.)
____Drinking, smoking, drug using
____Creative work (crafts, arts, writing)
____Volunteer work
(Don't forget to also include other activities with the number of hours you spend on them if you can't find them all in this list.)
Now go back and total up the hours spent on the different activities you have listed. Do they add up to a lot less than 168 hours? If so, see if you can track down the missing hours. Some people are surprised, for example, at how many hours they actually spend watching television. Do they add up to more than 168 hours? Don't be too surprised. Many people schedule themselves so tightly that there is almost no time left over. They feel harried and stressed, always on the run. A lot of people also engage in excessive multitasking: they manage to do two and three things at once (for example, ironing while cooking dinner and watching television). Although some multitasking is normal, chronic multitasking strains our ability to attend to the different activities and can be a major source of stress.
Do you really want to reveal something about your life? If so, go back again and rate each item in terms of how much you usually enjoy it. (If you're depressed right now you may not enjoy much of anything; rate how you enjoy it when you feel well.) Use a 0 to 100 scale, where 0 means you hate the activity, 50 means you neither like nor dislike it, and 100 means you really enjoy it. Put in your rating to the right of each item.
Getting into it? If so, feel free to make other ratings:
How important is each activity to you? Use a 0 to 100 scale, or rank them from first (No. 1) to last.
Which activities do you do because other people think they're important for you to do?
If you know someone whose life you greatly admire, how much time do you think he or she spends on each activity? How do his or her priorities differ from yours?
Which of these activities has a tempting pull ("This will be great"), but doesn't really turn out to be fulfilling? Hint: A good test is to ask yourself whether, when you're done, you think: "That was great, I'm glad I spent time on it." Examples of activities that often don't pass the test: drinking, drug using, excessive Internet surfing, compulsive shopping, and others.There's no way of scoring this exercise, but completing it is almost always enlightening. It shows you how you spend your time, and invites you to question the priorities that you seem to have set for yourself.
Here are some sample realizations:
"I say my priority is the kids, but I spend most of my waking hours at work or watching television."
"The activities I value the least are the ones I spend the most time doing."
"I reached 168 hours before I mentioned anything about time with my partner."
Next, looking at your own responses to this exercise, what are some observations you have about your own life and priorities? Are there any shifts you would like to make in your life or how you spend your time based on this exercise? What are they?
When you are ready, move on Step 2 to create a plan to change your priorities and start to achieve your goals.
UHUH.. that's Step 1 for now.. hur hurrr
Umm.. on a lighter note..
How did you get depressed? In most cases, the way people have been living their lives is part of the problem. This might mean working at a career that does not interest them, trying to live up to others' expectations, protecting themselves from emotional pain through isolation, or simply getting very little exercise. Not surprisingly, the way you spend your day can have a powerful impact on your mood. Here are some of the day-to-day problems that can affect the way you feel:
Letting chores accumulate
Every day you are faced with a myriad of small demands on your time.
The mail arrives and needs to be opened. Your dentist's office calls to remind you to book a checkup. Your sister's birthday arrives and you want to send her a card. Think of these tasks as small lead weights placed in a backpack that you wear wherever you go. They sit in the backpack until you deal with them, then they vanish. None of them is particularly heavy. Taken together, however, they build up.
What do you do with these tasks? Do you deal with them quickly or do you let them accumulate? People who let them build up carry a heavier weight than other people do. Because each is so small, their influence is often invisible. You may think: "How could that electricity bill cause depression? It's such a little thing." The problem is the sheer number of these tasks waiting to be done. Most of the accumulation usually comes from putting off tasks until later, resulting in a backlog.
Here are a few signs that you may be letting things build up: There is a pile of mail and other papers waiting to be dealt with in your home. You have numerous to-do lists lying around, but never seem to get through them. When you feel overwhelmed you set tasks aside until you "feel like doing it." You get anxious about the number of little details you should have dealt with before now.
Human beings did not evolve to work in dimly lit offices, to perform the same task over and over again, or to tolerate any of dozens of other characteristics of the modern workplace. Nevertheless, we can manage such activities and thrive, as long as they do not take over our lives. We live in a culture in which hard work has become a moral virtue. But overwork is associated with increased stress, declining interest and enthusiasm for the work, burnout, disability, and depression. A possible exception is the person who works extremely hard at a job he or she loves, out of a fascination for the work (and not out of guilt, a need to please the boss, or fear of financial consequences).
Lack of enjoyable activities
One of the things that sustains healthy mood is to spend time doing the activities you like. A lack of rewarding activities appears to be a risk factor for depression. People have few rewards in their lives for all kinds of reasons. Do any of these sound familiar to you?
My life is too demanding, leaving little time to do the things I like.
I have little money and everything enjoyable seems to involve cash.
I believe that doing things for pleasure is wrong, evil, or selfish.
I was raised to believe that enjoyment should be a low priority in my life.
I don't enjoy things the way I did before I got depressed. If you fit any of these descriptions you may have a serious problem: You are fun-impaired. You fail to recognize that enjoyment is an important part of life, and should be high on your list of priorities. Furthermore, doing at least some of the things you like can help give you the energy and motivation you need to do the things you think you should be doing.
Lack of exercise
There is a remarkably strong link between exercise and mood problems. Physically fit people are generally less depressed and anxious than less active people. Low fitness has been demonstrated to be a risk factor for the development of depression. Adoption of a regular exercise program has been found to reduce depression and anxiety as effectively, in some cases, as psychotherapy or medication.
Poor social support
At an emotional level, social support isn't the mere presence of a crowd of people, it is their willingness to support you, validate your emotions, see things from your perspective, and comment on your positive qualities and successes. Many people have a crowd of acquaintances, but no social support whatsoever. Considerable evidence indicates that social support is a significant protective factor against the onset of depressive symptoms and that it aids in recovery.
Lack of perceived control
Imagine two people. One person decides to take up skydiving and eventually makes a jump. The other is kidnapped off the street, forced into a plane, strapped into a parachute, and thrown out in midair. How do you think you would feel in either person's shoes?
There are several differences between these two cases, but the biggest is the sense of control. The first person freely chooses skydiving; the second is forced into it. The psychological consequences are immense. The first, upon landing safely, is likely to feel an amazed exhilaration. The second will probably be seriously traumatized.
This faintly absurd situation has parallels in everyday life. Research routinely shows that the perception that we have control over a situation makes the situation less stressful. Conversely, the belief that our life is out of our control is thought to be a risk factor for depression.
Sometimes it isn't the job that makes us work too hard. Sometimes we take on more than we can realistically handle. Driving the kids to hockey practice? Sure. Cooking dinner for the holidays? No problem. Serving on the condo committee? Absolutely. Volunteer work? You bet. Caring for that ill relative? Of course. You can handle any of these things, but not all of them. There are 168 hours in a week. The closer your commitments come to that total, the more stress you put yourself under. The moment your commitments pass 168 hours, your life has become unworkable. Something has got to give, and it might well be you.
Step 1 Activity:The 168-Hour Question
How do you spend the hours of your life? What do you do, exactly? Take some time to make a list of all the different activities that you perform in a given week. Figure out the number of hours each week that you spend on each one. Make a rough guess, and don't get too obsessive about the total -- at least, not yet.
A partial list is below. Copy this list into a journal or sheet of paper, or print it out. Fill in the number of hours per week for each activity. Try not to count the same activity twice. For example, if you use the telephone to make work-related calls, you may want to count the time under "work time" and not "phone time," and only record the time spent talking with friends under "phone time." Include additional activities at the end of the list. Also consider breaking some activities down into separate categories, if that seems appropriate given your life. For example, you might have four categories instead of one for socializing (with spouse, friends, family and work colleagues).
____Trying to get to sleep
____Continuing education(e.g., night school)
____Preparing food and eating
____Shopping (including groceries)
____Grooming (showering, brushing teeth, using washroom, etc.)
____Household cleaning, laundry, etc.
____Home maintenance, repairs
____Computer/Internet(apart from work)
____Sexual activity
____Talking on phone
____Pet or plant care(including gardening)
____Caring for other relatives
____Spirituality(meditation, church, etc.)
____Drinking, smoking, drug using
____Creative work (crafts, arts, writing)
____Volunteer work
(Don't forget to also include other activities with the number of hours you spend on them if you can't find them all in this list.)
Now go back and total up the hours spent on the different activities you have listed. Do they add up to a lot less than 168 hours? If so, see if you can track down the missing hours. Some people are surprised, for example, at how many hours they actually spend watching television. Do they add up to more than 168 hours? Don't be too surprised. Many people schedule themselves so tightly that there is almost no time left over. They feel harried and stressed, always on the run. A lot of people also engage in excessive multitasking: they manage to do two and three things at once (for example, ironing while cooking dinner and watching television). Although some multitasking is normal, chronic multitasking strains our ability to attend to the different activities and can be a major source of stress.
Do you really want to reveal something about your life? If so, go back again and rate each item in terms of how much you usually enjoy it. (If you're depressed right now you may not enjoy much of anything; rate how you enjoy it when you feel well.) Use a 0 to 100 scale, where 0 means you hate the activity, 50 means you neither like nor dislike it, and 100 means you really enjoy it. Put in your rating to the right of each item.
Getting into it? If so, feel free to make other ratings:
How important is each activity to you? Use a 0 to 100 scale, or rank them from first (No. 1) to last.
Which activities do you do because other people think they're important for you to do?
If you know someone whose life you greatly admire, how much time do you think he or she spends on each activity? How do his or her priorities differ from yours?
Which of these activities has a tempting pull ("This will be great"), but doesn't really turn out to be fulfilling? Hint: A good test is to ask yourself whether, when you're done, you think: "That was great, I'm glad I spent time on it." Examples of activities that often don't pass the test: drinking, drug using, excessive Internet surfing, compulsive shopping, and others.There's no way of scoring this exercise, but completing it is almost always enlightening. It shows you how you spend your time, and invites you to question the priorities that you seem to have set for yourself.
Here are some sample realizations:
"I say my priority is the kids, but I spend most of my waking hours at work or watching television."
"The activities I value the least are the ones I spend the most time doing."
"I reached 168 hours before I mentioned anything about time with my partner."
Next, looking at your own responses to this exercise, what are some observations you have about your own life and priorities? Are there any shifts you would like to make in your life or how you spend your time based on this exercise? What are they?
When you are ready, move on Step 2 to create a plan to change your priorities and start to achieve your goals.
UHUH.. that's Step 1 for now.. hur hurrr
Friday, August 27, 2004
I blogged an ultra long blog and nothing came out.. DAMNIT. I GIVE UP
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
It rained and it rained and it rained...
I was caught in the rain 3 times cos' each time I leave home, I thought it's not going to rain again.. hur hurrr
Wanted to blog about so many things that happened the past few days.. But I'm bleeding today.. OUCH. 'Nuff said. Full stop. Period. (pun unintended)
Wanted to blog about so many things that happened the past few days.. But I'm bleeding today.. OUCH. 'Nuff said. Full stop. Period. (pun unintended)
Monday, August 23, 2004
10 more weeks of school...
this is the 3rd week of school, which means I have to attend classes for another 10 weeks.. and within this short span of 10 weeks, I would have gone through COUNTLESS presentations, all thanks to ES2007, and of cos' 3 of my other modules.. Anyway, it's just 10 weeks, so bear with it.. *I'm blabbering to myself, so please bear with me*
the weekend was rather eventful one.. Met up with the gurlies from 4E5 at Marche.. It was a brief meeting with them, so brief that it's just the span of a glass of watermelon juice, and I was thirsty.. so anyway, I had to leave for Linying's birthday BBQ at ECP, which was why I had to leave so quickly.. LY's birthday was held at C24, the same one 99F had their 1st BBQ-stayover.. That was eons ago and I can vividly remember how agonizing it was to spend the night there with an ULTRA tight bladder waiting to burst at the gentle-est *is there such a werd?* tickle.. anyway some gurls couldn't take it and did it in the bushes, while others like moi chose to make the night memorable.. anyway, we went to David's house in the morning to peeeee... It was somewhere.. I think very near to ECP anyway.. I still cannot understand why we did not go to his house to pee in the middle of the night when we needed to, and had to wait till morning.. can't be a wager or something.. I don't remember winning anything.. so anyway, that fateful night.. and that fateful morning I met David's 2 humongous, super colossal, monstrous Persian cats.. anyway I was the only one who couldn't sleep and had to bear with them for a couple of hours.. ok.. they don't seem as bloodcurdling, hair-raising, spine-chilling as they look.. BUT still, I DON'T like cats..
ANYWAY, back to LY's BBQ, it was pretty fun cos' Dennis and Meiqi came and though Dennis went off pretty soon, it is nice to see him again.. it's just like the good ol'times when we bitch about all things under the sun, or rather moon.. we bitch about work and other clubbing places, staffs we knew, blah blah blah... Meiqi is still very much the same, speaking her mind almost instantaneously.. whether it's appropriate or not....KEWT
Went back to work on Saturday.. No surprise, I am at Reading Room again... seems like I am permanently there.. and I swear I ran up and down the stair for at least 20 times to send food.. it's like vertical marathon for 6 hours? hur hurrrr... Anyway, I thought about my prospects *or rather, the lack of it* after I graduate. As some of my friends would already know that I plan to work full-time at SOS if all things fail.. but now I've come up with Plan B, that is to work on a part-time basis for at least 1/2 a year, so that I can have sometime to relax a little and meanwhile earn some money and TRY to be finanacially-independent.. So when I get to sit down and talk to my parents one of these days, I will try to communicate this to them.. oh well, I have about 10 months to do so? hur hurrrr...
I seriously don't have any idea what I can do when I graduate.. OH WELL....
Today is meet-friends day.. I met up with TCS and GX for lunch and then bumped into ROger and XY at the canteen and then Dza in the toilet and this other guy from JI, can't remember his name, just remember him as "Buddha Head", courtesy of Theresa..*I'm not mean ok, anyway he called me Theresa, so..* and then some of my ex-module mates whose names I cannot remember.. *it's not them, it's just my goldfish memory, really!!* and then end the day bumping into Theresa on the train on my way home.. hur hurrrrr
School sux.. 3 days of 8am lessons from tomorrow.. DAMNIT X 938462364902640562852
the weekend was rather eventful one.. Met up with the gurlies from 4E5 at Marche.. It was a brief meeting with them, so brief that it's just the span of a glass of watermelon juice, and I was thirsty.. so anyway, I had to leave for Linying's birthday BBQ at ECP, which was why I had to leave so quickly.. LY's birthday was held at C24, the same one 99F had their 1st BBQ-stayover.. That was eons ago and I can vividly remember how agonizing it was to spend the night there with an ULTRA tight bladder waiting to burst at the gentle-est *is there such a werd?* tickle.. anyway some gurls couldn't take it and did it in the bushes, while others like moi chose to make the night memorable.. anyway, we went to David's house in the morning to peeeee... It was somewhere.. I think very near to ECP anyway.. I still cannot understand why we did not go to his house to pee in the middle of the night when we needed to, and had to wait till morning.. can't be a wager or something.. I don't remember winning anything.. so anyway, that fateful night.. and that fateful morning I met David's 2 humongous, super colossal, monstrous Persian cats.. anyway I was the only one who couldn't sleep and had to bear with them for a couple of hours.. ok.. they don't seem as bloodcurdling, hair-raising, spine-chilling as they look.. BUT still, I DON'T like cats..
ANYWAY, back to LY's BBQ, it was pretty fun cos' Dennis and Meiqi came and though Dennis went off pretty soon, it is nice to see him again.. it's just like the good ol'times when we bitch about all things under the sun, or rather moon.. we bitch about work and other clubbing places, staffs we knew, blah blah blah... Meiqi is still very much the same, speaking her mind almost instantaneously.. whether it's appropriate or not....KEWT
Went back to work on Saturday.. No surprise, I am at Reading Room again... seems like I am permanently there.. and I swear I ran up and down the stair for at least 20 times to send food.. it's like vertical marathon for 6 hours? hur hurrrr... Anyway, I thought about my prospects *or rather, the lack of it* after I graduate. As some of my friends would already know that I plan to work full-time at SOS if all things fail.. but now I've come up with Plan B, that is to work on a part-time basis for at least 1/2 a year, so that I can have sometime to relax a little and meanwhile earn some money and TRY to be finanacially-independent.. So when I get to sit down and talk to my parents one of these days, I will try to communicate this to them.. oh well, I have about 10 months to do so? hur hurrrr...
I seriously don't have any idea what I can do when I graduate.. OH WELL....
Today is meet-friends day.. I met up with TCS and GX for lunch and then bumped into ROger and XY at the canteen and then Dza in the toilet and this other guy from JI, can't remember his name, just remember him as "Buddha Head", courtesy of Theresa..*I'm not mean ok, anyway he called me Theresa, so..* and then some of my ex-module mates whose names I cannot remember.. *it's not them, it's just my goldfish memory, really!!* and then end the day bumping into Theresa on the train on my way home.. hur hurrrrr
School sux.. 3 days of 8am lessons from tomorrow.. DAMNIT X 938462364902640562852
Friday, August 20, 2004
Happy Birthday SILLY GRAD~~
Yah and hope u find the job of your dreams soon, or just simply, any job soon... but if you find something you like, like a pantry full of free milk and stuff, would be a bonus lo...
Woke up by the postman... bleurgh.. Going back to sleep now.. been working last night.. Shall carry on to bitch about the SPG I met at Reading Room last night.. URGH
Woke up by the postman... bleurgh.. Going back to sleep now.. been working last night.. Shall carry on to bitch about the SPG I met at Reading Room last night.. URGH
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Ronald Susilo is out.. Oh well.. poor thing.. Anyway I got this hunch bout him losing, COS I was following the game.. and I never fail to jinx anyone that I am supporting.. So if you are competing for something,keep it from me~~
Came home after piano lesson and went straight to bed.. *what's new?* I think this is becoming my daily routine.. a few hours of nap.. hur hurrr... My dad came home early today.. He complained that his arthritis is back.. AND I felt bad.. there I was having a good nap and enjoying my life while daddy had to work had so that I could enjoy my life.. So now, I resolve to work harder, give more tuition so that I won't have to activate any 'Daddy Save Ellie' Funds and Daddy won't have to work so hard to support a 'high maintanence' dotter.. hur hurrrr... So that's one of my resolution for now...
Ting called to ask if I could work *again*... OF COS NOT, I've got 8am lesson tomorrow.. unless I don't intend to sleep at all.. but, NO.. NeVERRRRRRrrrrr.. hur hurrrr. I'll be working tomorrow anyway.. so I don't feel that bad.. hur hurrr.
I HOPE I don't have to work with auntie.. or I hope auntie is a more efficient worker now.. hur hurrr
Went to Forum co-op today to get what I needed. A sharpener and 5 colored folders cos' I lost the 5 I used last semester.. Tomorrow is Thursday.. I shall psycho the VERY shagged Feng to go Biz with me to eat 水饺.. HUR HURRRRRR...
Got a SMU guy in my class today.. and I ended up in the same project group as him. I actually manage to pop myself into the group in time.. hur hurrrrr...
I need to sleep already... got to wake up at 6 tomorrow.. and this will go on for another 10 weeks at least.. WHY??!
Came home after piano lesson and went straight to bed.. *what's new?* I think this is becoming my daily routine.. a few hours of nap.. hur hurrr... My dad came home early today.. He complained that his arthritis is back.. AND I felt bad.. there I was having a good nap and enjoying my life while daddy had to work had so that I could enjoy my life.. So now, I resolve to work harder, give more tuition so that I won't have to activate any 'Daddy Save Ellie' Funds and Daddy won't have to work so hard to support a 'high maintanence' dotter.. hur hurrrr... So that's one of my resolution for now...
Ting called to ask if I could work *again*... OF COS NOT, I've got 8am lesson tomorrow.. unless I don't intend to sleep at all.. but, NO.. NeVERRRRRRrrrrr.. hur hurrrr. I'll be working tomorrow anyway.. so I don't feel that bad.. hur hurrr.
I HOPE I don't have to work with auntie.. or I hope auntie is a more efficient worker now.. hur hurrr
Went to Forum co-op today to get what I needed. A sharpener and 5 colored folders cos' I lost the 5 I used last semester.. Tomorrow is Thursday.. I shall psycho the VERY shagged Feng to go Biz with me to eat 水饺.. HUR HURRRRRR...
Got a SMU guy in my class today.. and I ended up in the same project group as him. I actually manage to pop myself into the group in time.. hur hurrrrr...
I need to sleep already... got to wake up at 6 tomorrow.. and this will go on for another 10 weeks at least.. WHY??!
Bestest did not have a good day... oh well, hope everything will be fine for him tomorrow.. OH WELL.. Bad days won't last foreverrrrr... SHooo!! ShOooo!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
OH NO!!!!
Everything's got to be re-adjusted and I am simply not used to it.. It's the 2nd day of school and already I feel drained.. It's hard to imagine how it's going to be when readings and assignments creep in..
My daily routine so far has been going to school and then rushing home for my nap.. Fatigue is just an understatement.. hur hurrr... I hope I am just lazy and nothing else..
Today I had a 2 hour break between lessons. Feng had to go for another lecture, so I went to the co-op to place order for my readings. Spent total of $20.80 for 2 modules.. JUST readings only, text, not YET included..
Proceeded to the Grinning Gecko to 'nua3' and found TCS,MO online.. hur hurrrr.. turns out that MO is nua-ing as well while TCS is just not paying attention in class.. hur hurrrr... GX came online later on... hur hurrr.. so we are communicating on campus at different sites.. so kewt...
I am beginning to miss some of my friends.. especially Junling... My lunch/bitching/talking cock kaki.. it's not as if I don't get to talk to her.. but it's just different.. I look at the path from forum to Biz and boy, do I miss her... I miss the times I would try to 'visit' her on Thursdays so that I could eat 水饺.. OH I simply miss herrrrr... I missed Xinying and Huanlin too.. it's fun to bump into them ocassionally and spent a couple of moments crapping as if the good ol'days.. I missed Yuans, meeting her at Clementi and taking 189 from Kent Ridge together.. Always oggling at the Jap gers and coming up with corneeee jokes.. oh man... Why does it always have to be this way?? Can't we just remain the way we are foreverrrr and everrrrrrrr...Feng will be graduating this sem.. which means I am the only poor soul left in the newly renovated campus.. hur hurrrrr
Very tired.. I resolve to sleep by 2230 everyday.
My daily routine so far has been going to school and then rushing home for my nap.. Fatigue is just an understatement.. hur hurrr... I hope I am just lazy and nothing else..
Today I had a 2 hour break between lessons. Feng had to go for another lecture, so I went to the co-op to place order for my readings. Spent total of $20.80 for 2 modules.. JUST readings only, text, not YET included..
Proceeded to the Grinning Gecko to 'nua3' and found TCS,MO online.. hur hurrrr.. turns out that MO is nua-ing as well while TCS is just not paying attention in class.. hur hurrrr... GX came online later on... hur hurrr.. so we are communicating on campus at different sites.. so kewt...
I am beginning to miss some of my friends.. especially Junling... My lunch/bitching/talking cock kaki.. it's not as if I don't get to talk to her.. but it's just different.. I look at the path from forum to Biz and boy, do I miss her... I miss the times I would try to 'visit' her on Thursdays so that I could eat 水饺.. OH I simply miss herrrrr... I missed Xinying and Huanlin too.. it's fun to bump into them ocassionally and spent a couple of moments crapping as if the good ol'days.. I missed Yuans, meeting her at Clementi and taking 189 from Kent Ridge together.. Always oggling at the Jap gers and coming up with corneeee jokes.. oh man... Why does it always have to be this way?? Can't we just remain the way we are foreverrrr and everrrrrrrr...Feng will be graduating this sem.. which means I am the only poor soul left in the newly renovated campus.. hur hurrrrr
Very tired.. I resolve to sleep by 2230 everyday.
Monday, August 16, 2004
Lin Dan out of badminton singles at Athens
Congratulations Susilo.. who happens to be Singapore's Badminton representative.. hur hurr.. He was goOod..
Today's my first day of school. I woke up at 6am, tho I am not sure if it's excitement or purely 'over-dosage' of sleep that woke me up.. anyway, I dillied-dallied till 8.30 before leaving for school. And I was pretty uneasy when I reached Clementi cos'the usual crowd was not there.. I was hoping that it's still holis afterall and I can go home.. hur hurrr... wishful thinking.
I got all my 5 modules.. but due to time table clash.. I will end up with a DISGUSTING 5-day week.. meaning, NO FREE DAY... damnit.. and I have to be in school on Thursday for a 2 hour lesson and Friday for a 1 hour tutorial.. such a complete waste of my youth... but then again, relative to some of my friends from Engine or Science or SOC or Industrial design, I am considered one of the luckier one.. I think.. so I should not be complainin'.. I've got 5 modules afterall.. and I am left with 4 next sem.. *wicked*
I got another tuition offer on Saturday, I did not call back as I was on my way to work.. Still considering if I should take up the assignment.. nothing is settled so far, so I don't want to commit myself to anything other than those I already have.. * I HATE commitments*
Off to bed... 8am lesson tomorrow.. I hope I don't die... hur hurrrrrr...
OH OH, Man U lost their opening match to Chelsea.. hur hurrrr...
Song of the day:
Hope life's been good to you
since you've been gone
I'm doin' fine now
I've finally moved on
It's not so bad I'm not that sad
I'm not surprised just how well I survived
I'm over the worst, and I feel so alive
I can't complain I'm free again
And it only hurts when I'm breathing
My heart only breaks when it's beating
My dreams only die when I'm dreaming
So, I hold my breath to forget
Don't think I'm lyin' 'round cryin' at night
There's no need to worry, I'm really all right
I've never looked back as a matter of fact
Repeat Chorus
It only hurts when I breathe
Mmm, no, I've never looked backas a matter fact
Repeat Chorus
Hurts when I'm breathing
Breaks when it's beating
Die when I'm dreaming
It only hurts when I breathe
--Shania Twain, It only hurts when I am breathing..--
Anyone with the MP3, FEED ME~~
Today's my first day of school. I woke up at 6am, tho I am not sure if it's excitement or purely 'over-dosage' of sleep that woke me up.. anyway, I dillied-dallied till 8.30 before leaving for school. And I was pretty uneasy when I reached Clementi cos'the usual crowd was not there.. I was hoping that it's still holis afterall and I can go home.. hur hurrr... wishful thinking.
I got all my 5 modules.. but due to time table clash.. I will end up with a DISGUSTING 5-day week.. meaning, NO FREE DAY... damnit.. and I have to be in school on Thursday for a 2 hour lesson and Friday for a 1 hour tutorial.. such a complete waste of my youth... but then again, relative to some of my friends from Engine or Science or SOC or Industrial design, I am considered one of the luckier one.. I think.. so I should not be complainin'.. I've got 5 modules afterall.. and I am left with 4 next sem.. *wicked*
I got another tuition offer on Saturday, I did not call back as I was on my way to work.. Still considering if I should take up the assignment.. nothing is settled so far, so I don't want to commit myself to anything other than those I already have.. * I HATE commitments*
Off to bed... 8am lesson tomorrow.. I hope I don't die... hur hurrrrrr...
OH OH, Man U lost their opening match to Chelsea.. hur hurrrr...
Song of the day:
Hope life's been good to you
since you've been gone
I'm doin' fine now
I've finally moved on
It's not so bad I'm not that sad
I'm not surprised just how well I survived
I'm over the worst, and I feel so alive
I can't complain I'm free again
And it only hurts when I'm breathing
My heart only breaks when it's beating
My dreams only die when I'm dreaming
So, I hold my breath to forget
Don't think I'm lyin' 'round cryin' at night
There's no need to worry, I'm really all right
I've never looked back as a matter of fact
Repeat Chorus
It only hurts when I breathe
Mmm, no, I've never looked backas a matter fact
Repeat Chorus
Hurts when I'm breathing
Breaks when it's beating
Die when I'm dreaming
It only hurts when I breathe
--Shania Twain, It only hurts when I am breathing..--
Anyone with the MP3, FEED ME~~
Lin Dan out of badminton singles at Athens
HUr hurrr... Congrats to Ronald Susilo who is representing Singapore.. hur hurr hurrr... saw a few minutes of the game and I must say that Susilo guy was good.. Or maybe, Lin Dan was not at his best.. oh well...
Woke up at 6 today.. Must be too excited about school.. hur hurrr.. met the buangsters for lunch at SUPER ULTRA DUPER CHEAP Jap food place at Clementi.. yayeeee... and headed home to sleep...was woken up by my brother.. hur hurrr.. that silly cow used 5000 points from my dad's Thanks! reward card to redeem a new printer.. DAMNIT... I wanted those points for something else!!
So anyway I got my 5th module. THANK GOD...
8AM lesson tomorrow.. Hope I don't die.. hur hurrrr...
Woke up at 6 today.. Must be too excited about school.. hur hurrr.. met the buangsters for lunch at SUPER ULTRA DUPER CHEAP Jap food place at Clementi.. yayeeee... and headed home to sleep...was woken up by my brother.. hur hurrr.. that silly cow used 5000 points from my dad's Thanks! reward card to redeem a new printer.. DAMNIT... I wanted those points for something else!!
So anyway I got my 5th module. THANK GOD...
8AM lesson tomorrow.. Hope I don't die.. hur hurrrr...
Sunday, August 15, 2004
And I thought whatis best for you, would be the same for me..
And I was wrong *again*. I don't feel happy at all.
Slept till 3 this afternoon, had lunch and continued sleeping after watching some olympics game instead of Gilmore Girls on Channel 5.. Just woke up for dinner.. hur hurrrr...
School is starting tomorrow...DAMNIT X 83478346872947294739742947897438947272394
I turned down an offer to go watch the fireworks cos' I was simply lazy to get my arse out of the house.. hur hurrrr
School starts tomorrow... BLEH
Slept till 3 this afternoon, had lunch and continued sleeping after watching some olympics game instead of Gilmore Girls on Channel 5.. Just woke up for dinner.. hur hurrrr...
School is starting tomorrow...DAMNIT X 83478346872947294739742947897438947272394
I turned down an offer to go watch the fireworks cos' I was simply lazy to get my arse out of the house.. hur hurrrr
School starts tomorrow... BLEH
Saturday, August 14, 2004
was o...k.... but tiring because I was at Reading Room the whole time... SOS is now Bourbon Street by the way.
I am getting more and more used to working at Reading Room, BUT that does not mean I enjoy working there. And it doesn't help when they send inexperienced servers for me cos' I have to end up doing everything myself, or werse, end up doing things twice cos' I had to explain to them.. Oh I miss Feng, my best partner~~
Philip was not here last night, so was the rest of the SPC peeps.. which equates less trouble for me.. Though there were times when I thought the flow was beyond my control *as Eve puts is*, I managed.. hur hurrr
Tips was pathetic, though we shared with ChinaBar, each of us only had $5.. oh my gawd... and I took cab home with Simin.. so tips= -$2
Will be working later at 4.. and will be working next Thursday and Saturday.. it's LY's birthday celebration on Friday.. She is turning 21.. and I will be 22 soon.. BLEH..
On my way to work, I experienced a sudden upsurge of emotion, it was not as bad as the last time, but I hope it's not coming back.. maybe it's the thought of work.. hur hurr.. I just got to restrain myself from certain memories..
BOss, AKA the TOWKAY came with his new Chinese Chai for some drinks.. and he was talking to his friends and telling them stories about his experience in China and stuffs.. Pretty entertaining.. but of cos' I had to pretend that I was doing my work and not listening at all..
Better bring my 'armour' to work later... Seems like there are many arrows flying around the workplace.. hur hurrrr.. *oh bother!*
I am getting more and more used to working at Reading Room, BUT that does not mean I enjoy working there. And it doesn't help when they send inexperienced servers for me cos' I have to end up doing everything myself, or werse, end up doing things twice cos' I had to explain to them.. Oh I miss Feng, my best partner~~
Philip was not here last night, so was the rest of the SPC peeps.. which equates less trouble for me.. Though there were times when I thought the flow was beyond my control *as Eve puts is*, I managed.. hur hurrr
Tips was pathetic, though we shared with ChinaBar, each of us only had $5.. oh my gawd... and I took cab home with Simin.. so tips= -$2
Will be working later at 4.. and will be working next Thursday and Saturday.. it's LY's birthday celebration on Friday.. She is turning 21.. and I will be 22 soon.. BLEH..
On my way to work, I experienced a sudden upsurge of emotion, it was not as bad as the last time, but I hope it's not coming back.. maybe it's the thought of work.. hur hurr.. I just got to restrain myself from certain memories..
BOss, AKA the TOWKAY came with his new Chinese Chai for some drinks.. and he was talking to his friends and telling them stories about his experience in China and stuffs.. Pretty entertaining.. but of cos' I had to pretend that I was doing my work and not listening at all..
Better bring my 'armour' to work later... Seems like there are many arrows flying around the workplace.. hur hurrrr.. *oh bother!*
Friday, August 13, 2004
Sick of all your facades..
Why is the world so full of hypocrites?
Do you meet people who brush you aside once they've gotten what they wanted from you? Or pretend to be nice in front of others and show her true colours only when you are alone.. If you find me a prick or a threat, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE and cut those pretence... Don't bother entertaining me when we are with others, you don't have to make your life miserable.
Anyway, you've got what you set out for, so stop bothering me anymore *woah, it rhymes~*
And yes, I am ok with it if you tell everyone I'm the one with the problem, so long as I don't have to deal with all your charades.
yah, final word..BITCH. I wish you well.. hur hurrrrr
*phew, I feel better now*
And don't bother asking me who she is..*Eve, she is no one you know of.. hur hurrr* And I might be wrong, or it's just me going mental again... hurr hurrrr... but still, when it comes to feelings about a person, I can be disgustingly accurate... hur hurrrrr
'Cut' the following from Feng's blog... Finally she remembered Sagis.. hur hurrrr.. Some are pretty true while some are just outright BULL.. Going to work now.. hur hurrrr
A slim and graceful woman who walked proudly like she is walking in a beauty pageant competition. If she slips or nearly falls, she will nicely covered it up and continue with her graceful and impressive walking step. She knows how to use make up to enhance her beauty. She looks at the world positively, so her face always seem so happy. She will not get up set easily.
Self confident woman who belief in her own style. She will not follow
fashion, but standing in between simplicity and too modern. She is a very open person, sometimes can be too blunt. She is an honest person and never try to cause troubles for any one.
She likes to say something that you do not want to hear and yet she can say something so pleasing at the same time. Example she may say "I wish you could make more money, so you could afford better cloth, but anyway it is better this way. If you make more money you could be thinking of money too much and become greedy". She can say such thing and make you wonder if you should get up set or love her more.
She is also a free spirit and does not like to stay home. She likes to be protected, but not to give her orders. She has no respect to a weak man. If she try to over powered you, then you have to calm her down and try to control her to be in a limit by doing the same thing too. She will listen if she respect you. She likes to be herself and like her guy to be himself.
She is a no nonsense woman, so you will not hear she says " Guess what I will do next", or "Guess what I am thinking" because she always say what she is thinking out loud like a guy. If you do not understand her in this matter, you could easily break up with her. She sees problems in her love life as another funny story.
She is clumsy and it is in her nature. You may think it is cute, but for
some neat guys this could be so unbearable. She is very friendly, so she can easily turn her enemy to be her friends. She has good taste in fine cloths, good food, first class and first services. Even a poor woman in this Zodiac will struggle to afford such good taste. She could spent lots of money as if she can not understand how difficult it is to make money. If you think of let her borrow money, think again. *I will always return your money.. REALLY*
She is a paranoid. If she thinks you like her, she may already think about getting marry and lost her freedom and so on and on. A jolly woman who loves sports. She is an ordinary woman who could dress like a tomboy. She has more guy friends and sometimes could act like one of a guy. She does not care about rumors, so she can get home very late and couldn't careless what her neighbor will gossip about her. She thinks either good or bad, you will know it yourself , so you should not bother what people think.
Her wit and innocent look are her charms. She is often hurts from love, but never afraid to look for a new one as if she is singing "Do that to me one more time". She likes going straight and being straight forward. She will not go around to get what she wants, or beat around the bush just to say something. If you meet her and tell her straight what you think, she will admire you.
Song of the day: Hooker-- Pink (Hidden track from Try This album)
And you ain't nothin' but a hooker
Sellin' your fuckin' soul
Back up! They want you, I swear
You got no worries, you got no cares
All you got is motherfuckers who will jock you
Yeah, you got money in your pocket
And you shoot up the ground like a rocket
You move so fast, lord you can't stop it
There you are in the club swingin'
And I'm just standin' there, standin' there laughin'
All the things people have you believin'
I feel sorry for your ass is out of season
Maybe you should think of cuttin' down drinkin'
Cause you look like a fat rat sinkin'
I coulda helped you, but you had to act out
You don't have a fuckin' clue what I'm about
[Chorus 2x]
And you ain't nothin' but a hooker
Sellin' your fuckin' soul
I saw it comin' through the line like a full back
You're a crack slack, a fuckin' rap back (yeah)
Don't react, you're not fact
Don't give a fuck, yes, like that
What you gonna do now that you ain't got nothin'
Look around honey, you been frontin'
Everybody knows that you're a fraud! (And I'm making records!)
My salutations, no hesitations
No reservation, just cancellation
And if I blow it then I blow it
Cause I'm a poet and I know it
[Chorus 2x]
And you ain't nothin' but a hooker
Sellin' your fuckin' soul
[Repeat until fade]
You wanna try me
Don't you know--
Do you meet people who brush you aside once they've gotten what they wanted from you? Or pretend to be nice in front of others and show her true colours only when you are alone.. If you find me a prick or a threat, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE and cut those pretence... Don't bother entertaining me when we are with others, you don't have to make your life miserable.
Anyway, you've got what you set out for, so stop bothering me anymore *woah, it rhymes~*
And yes, I am ok with it if you tell everyone I'm the one with the problem, so long as I don't have to deal with all your charades.
yah, final word..BITCH. I wish you well.. hur hurrrrr
*phew, I feel better now*
And don't bother asking me who she is..*Eve, she is no one you know of.. hur hurrr* And I might be wrong, or it's just me going mental again... hurr hurrrr... but still, when it comes to feelings about a person, I can be disgustingly accurate... hur hurrrrr
'Cut' the following from Feng's blog... Finally she remembered Sagis.. hur hurrrr.. Some are pretty true while some are just outright BULL.. Going to work now.. hur hurrrr
A slim and graceful woman who walked proudly like she is walking in a beauty pageant competition. If she slips or nearly falls, she will nicely covered it up and continue with her graceful and impressive walking step. She knows how to use make up to enhance her beauty. She looks at the world positively, so her face always seem so happy. She will not get up set easily.
Self confident woman who belief in her own style. She will not follow
fashion, but standing in between simplicity and too modern. She is a very open person, sometimes can be too blunt. She is an honest person and never try to cause troubles for any one.
She likes to say something that you do not want to hear and yet she can say something so pleasing at the same time. Example she may say "I wish you could make more money, so you could afford better cloth, but anyway it is better this way. If you make more money you could be thinking of money too much and become greedy". She can say such thing and make you wonder if you should get up set or love her more.
She is also a free spirit and does not like to stay home. She likes to be protected, but not to give her orders. She has no respect to a weak man. If she try to over powered you, then you have to calm her down and try to control her to be in a limit by doing the same thing too. She will listen if she respect you. She likes to be herself and like her guy to be himself.
She is a no nonsense woman, so you will not hear she says " Guess what I will do next", or "Guess what I am thinking" because she always say what she is thinking out loud like a guy. If you do not understand her in this matter, you could easily break up with her. She sees problems in her love life as another funny story.
She is clumsy and it is in her nature. You may think it is cute, but for
some neat guys this could be so unbearable. She is very friendly, so she can easily turn her enemy to be her friends. She has good taste in fine cloths, good food, first class and first services. Even a poor woman in this Zodiac will struggle to afford such good taste. She could spent lots of money as if she can not understand how difficult it is to make money. If you think of let her borrow money, think again. *I will always return your money.. REALLY*
She is a paranoid. If she thinks you like her, she may already think about getting marry and lost her freedom and so on and on. A jolly woman who loves sports. She is an ordinary woman who could dress like a tomboy. She has more guy friends and sometimes could act like one of a guy. She does not care about rumors, so she can get home very late and couldn't careless what her neighbor will gossip about her. She thinks either good or bad, you will know it yourself , so you should not bother what people think.
Her wit and innocent look are her charms. She is often hurts from love, but never afraid to look for a new one as if she is singing "Do that to me one more time". She likes going straight and being straight forward. She will not go around to get what she wants, or beat around the bush just to say something. If you meet her and tell her straight what you think, she will admire you.
Song of the day: Hooker-- Pink (Hidden track from Try This album)
And you ain't nothin' but a hooker
Sellin' your fuckin' soul
Back up! They want you, I swear
You got no worries, you got no cares
All you got is motherfuckers who will jock you
Yeah, you got money in your pocket
And you shoot up the ground like a rocket
You move so fast, lord you can't stop it
There you are in the club swingin'
And I'm just standin' there, standin' there laughin'
All the things people have you believin'
I feel sorry for your ass is out of season
Maybe you should think of cuttin' down drinkin'
Cause you look like a fat rat sinkin'
I coulda helped you, but you had to act out
You don't have a fuckin' clue what I'm about
[Chorus 2x]
And you ain't nothin' but a hooker
Sellin' your fuckin' soul
I saw it comin' through the line like a full back
You're a crack slack, a fuckin' rap back (yeah)
Don't react, you're not fact
Don't give a fuck, yes, like that
What you gonna do now that you ain't got nothin'
Look around honey, you been frontin'
Everybody knows that you're a fraud! (And I'm making records!)
My salutations, no hesitations
No reservation, just cancellation
And if I blow it then I blow it
Cause I'm a poet and I know it
[Chorus 2x]
And you ain't nothin' but a hooker
Sellin' your fuckin' soul
[Repeat until fade]
You wanna try me
Don't you know--
Langkawi Photos..
Just realised that I did not post any Langkawi photos.. Just in case the CD or whatever photos I have on my comp gets lost or erased or corrupted or whatever swayeee thing that could happen.. I better post some of them here.. for old times sake.. hur hurrrr
That's JL and me, *early in the morning 6 o'clock*
Bestest Fondest Sweetest Wonderfulest friends foreverrrrrrr.. hur hurrrrr
hur hurrr
Black sand
Nice, cold waterfall. WEeEeEeEee
Drenched and 'sandy'
Yuans, Me and Bestbest..*I ALMOST manage to forget how we become bestbests*hur hurr
Getting ready with out snorkelling gears~
Clear water at Pulau Payar or issit Pulau Payah? wateverrrrrr
Dinner time~~
On the plane to KL
Speaking of 'leery' looks..*sheesh*
Let our powers combine~~
Are they happy or are they happy? hur hurrr
Who's sexy feet?
Showing off out train tix
More pics to come.. when I am less sleepy.. hur hurrrr....

That's JL and me, *early in the morning 6 o'clock*

Bestest Fondest Sweetest Wonderfulest friends foreverrrrrrr.. hur hurrrrr


hur hurrr

Black sand

Nice, cold waterfall. WEeEeEeEee

Drenched and 'sandy'

Yuans, Me and Bestbest..*I ALMOST manage to forget how we become bestbests*hur hurr

Getting ready with out snorkelling gears~

Clear water at Pulau Payar or issit Pulau Payah? wateverrrrrr

Dinner time~~

On the plane to KL


Speaking of 'leery' looks..*sheesh*

Let our powers combine~~

Are they happy or are they happy? hur hurrr

Who's sexy feet?

Showing off out train tix
More pics to come.. when I am less sleepy.. hur hurrrr....
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
I've managed to get one more module, thus summing up to an impressive 3 modules this semester.. which is NOT exactly what I had in mind.. CORS is ending this Friday and if this goes on, I might have to lodge an appeal or go to my department and try to 'gain some sympathy' which will be rather pathetic.. oh well..
Anyway, I'll be working tomorrow night at Reading Room.. People just enjoy calling me when I am having my tuition, and I still can't figure out why.. hur hur... School's reopening soon, so I better find ways to earn a quick buck or two...
Was watching Thunderpants yesterday.. Terrific movie.. I was wondering who was the set designer.. Almost everything in the movie is green... and they've got nice GREEN MINI COOPERS.. those cute lil' vintage things.... HUR HUR... As a result of admiring the movie set and props, I forgot all about my weekly dosage of FRIENDS.. oh well...
Anyway I got another huge cut on my shin... 'avid' readers of this blog would've realised what a clumsy person I am.. hur hur.. anyway I was jogging the other night and feeling bored, I decided to jog with my eyes closed *if you die laughing, it's not my fault* and so, I concluded that I can't jog straight with my eyes closed.. hur hur..
Fabian messaged me the other day.. hur hur.. Wonder what he wants from me.. oh well.. Missed him quite abit though..
Piano Tuner's coming in tomorrow.. cleaned my piano and room.. yayeeee... I was thinking I should give up piano altogether and sell my precious and fetch a handsome 5-figure so that I can go on a long holiday after graduation.. of cos' if that should happen, I will have to move out of home along with precious, against my own will.. anyway, I am not suppposed to give up piano until I complete my grade 8.. and I don't really have a choice regarding that..
There's so many things in life that I've given up, I think I should not add piano to the list.. hur hur...
I hope I get 2 more IF modules SOON... NIghtmare~~
Oh I forgot to add, everyone been asking me why I am not in school today when I suppose to habe a 8 am lesson.. the lesson starts next week.. so my 8 am lesson (ie on Tues and Thurs) will start next week.. just getting abit tired of repeating myself for the Nth time.. hur hurrr..
oh and there's a change of strategy..I might end up taking SOC module AGAIN... which means my exams will end on 1st December... wtf~~ and I might be taking a x-listed Soci module, taken by Mr See AhG*a.. oh hope no one reads this and tells him about it...
Anyway, I'll be working tomorrow night at Reading Room.. People just enjoy calling me when I am having my tuition, and I still can't figure out why.. hur hur... School's reopening soon, so I better find ways to earn a quick buck or two...
Was watching Thunderpants yesterday.. Terrific movie.. I was wondering who was the set designer.. Almost everything in the movie is green... and they've got nice GREEN MINI COOPERS.. those cute lil' vintage things.... HUR HUR... As a result of admiring the movie set and props, I forgot all about my weekly dosage of FRIENDS.. oh well...
Anyway I got another huge cut on my shin... 'avid' readers of this blog would've realised what a clumsy person I am.. hur hur.. anyway I was jogging the other night and feeling bored, I decided to jog with my eyes closed *if you die laughing, it's not my fault* and so, I concluded that I can't jog straight with my eyes closed.. hur hur..
Fabian messaged me the other day.. hur hur.. Wonder what he wants from me.. oh well.. Missed him quite abit though..
Piano Tuner's coming in tomorrow.. cleaned my piano and room.. yayeeee... I was thinking I should give up piano altogether and sell my precious and fetch a handsome 5-figure so that I can go on a long holiday after graduation.. of cos' if that should happen, I will have to move out of home along with precious, against my own will.. anyway, I am not suppposed to give up piano until I complete my grade 8.. and I don't really have a choice regarding that..
There's so many things in life that I've given up, I think I should not add piano to the list.. hur hur...
I hope I get 2 more IF modules SOON... NIghtmare~~
Oh I forgot to add, everyone been asking me why I am not in school today when I suppose to habe a 8 am lesson.. the lesson starts next week.. so my 8 am lesson (ie on Tues and Thurs) will start next week.. just getting abit tired of repeating myself for the Nth time.. hur hurrr..
oh and there's a change of strategy..I might end up taking SOC module AGAIN... which means my exams will end on 1st December... wtf~~ and I might be taking a x-listed Soci module, taken by Mr See AhG*a.. oh hope no one reads this and tells him about it...
Monday, August 09, 2004
As promised
Club Med photos..
Main entrance
Reception which is hidden in some corner....
Somewhere amidst the woods...
walking back to the 'chalet' takes about 5-15 minutes walk, depending which one you are allocated..
The 'road' less taken
This will lead you to the room
A room to myself. Yayeeeee~
Nice chair for me to hang my clothes.
Can I have a room and a bath?
Marche (suntec)'s toilet.. hur hur
View from my room
Still fascinated.. hur hur
Entertainment at night.. Of cos' there's my lil' cousin in front of that 'clown' guy
Sunrise from my room
Morning stroll..
Goofing, I mean, golfing
Shootingellie's range.. hur hur
Private beach, 10 mins tram ride from the resort
Disco/Restaurant by the private beach
The path that leads to the 'water shack' where you can go sailing~~
Under the trees where you find happy tree friends~
Is it going to rain?
we will leave this beach in 1 minute..
Off we go~
Nice place to doze off after lunch..
OH, nO, the waves are coming for me~~
I did not try this..
BUT I tried this!!~ *not the slide, I mean the Bungee bounce, you dork!*
My vainpot on stage..
Woah.. Becareful there~~
She is not a performer, just a guest..
These are the professionals
Pretty impressed by what they can do to kids in a short span of one afternoon..
Show's over..Roarrrrrrrrr
THat's about all, folks~
THanks for tuning in~

Main entrance


Reception which is hidden in some corner....


Somewhere amidst the woods...


walking back to the 'chalet' takes about 5-15 minutes walk, depending which one you are allocated..


The 'road' less taken


This will lead you to the room


A room to myself. Yayeeeee~


Nice chair for me to hang my clothes.


Can I have a room and a bath?


Marche (suntec)'s toilet.. hur hur


View from my room


Still fascinated.. hur hur


Entertainment at night.. Of cos' there's my lil' cousin in front of that 'clown' guy


Sunrise from my room


Morning stroll..




Goofing, I mean, golfing


Shootingellie's range.. hur hur


Private beach, 10 mins tram ride from the resort


Disco/Restaurant by the private beach


The path that leads to the 'water shack' where you can go sailing~~


Under the trees where you find happy tree friends~


Is it going to rain?


we will leave this beach in 1 minute..


Off we go~


Nice place to doze off after lunch..


OH, nO, the waves are coming for me~~


I did not try this..


BUT I tried this!!~ *not the slide, I mean the Bungee bounce, you dork!*


My vainpot on stage..


Woah.. Becareful there~~


She is not a performer, just a guest..


These are the professionals


Pretty impressed by what they can do to kids in a short span of one afternoon..


Show's over..Roarrrrrrrrr


THat's about all, folks~


THanks for tuning in~

My declaration of Love |
I need to know how to feel without you.. I need to find myself, to give you the space you need, to move in a different direction from yours.. I want to know how life can go on without you.. I want to embrace joy, indulge in love, to enjoy every drop of sunshine that falls on me.. I will conquer my fear of living in a world without you.. I will live my life as though I had never met you... |