Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Are you an accidental flirt? Ten ways you can unwittingly lead a man on
Men often believe you're flirting with them even when you're not. Here, Mark Mason explains the ten ways you can unknowingly send out the wrong signal
1. Putting one more kiss at the end of an email than he did.
Women are naturally friendly - if flirting is a mountain, they're always walking in the lower foothills. But men want to get to the peak as soon as possible. Your extra 'x' was done without thinking. He assumes you're starting an auction of kisses that will end up with the two of you in bed.
2. Saying you like his shirt.
The average man doesn't notice clothes - if you notice his, he'll think it's because you want to see them on your bedroom floor.
3. Asking questions about his girlfriend.
You're just being nosy about his love life. He thinks you want a walk-on part in it.
4. Talking about your own relationship problems.
You find it easy to discuss these things. Men don't, so he'll imagine that you're auditioning replacements for your boyfriend.
5. Approaching him at a party.
Men see starting a conversation as the first stage of seduction. They can't understand why you'd do it just to be friendly.
6. Touching his arm as you talk.
Women are more tactile than men - they forget that testosterone can be brought to the boil by the merest brush of a female hand.
7. Teasing him.
You're doing it simply because you can, and it amuses you. He sees it as an early phase of the mating ritual.
8. Ignoring a call on your mobile when you're with him. You hit 'divert' because it's your boss and you don't want to talk to her - but the man's ego tells him you're captivated by his witty conversation.
9. Re-applying your make-up.
A fresh coat of lip-gloss makes you feel good about yourself. He thinks it's being done to attract him.
10. Dancing with him.
It's an Abba record - you'd dance with the nearest hat-stand - but your partner in boogie assumes that you want his body.
Of course, all these are things you might do if you are really flirting. But even if you're not, don't worry too much - wouldn't life be boring if you couldn't laugh at men?
What's with these men and their egos? oh my goodnessssss
Men often believe you're flirting with them even when you're not. Here, Mark Mason explains the ten ways you can unknowingly send out the wrong signal
1. Putting one more kiss at the end of an email than he did.
Women are naturally friendly - if flirting is a mountain, they're always walking in the lower foothills. But men want to get to the peak as soon as possible. Your extra 'x' was done without thinking. He assumes you're starting an auction of kisses that will end up with the two of you in bed.
2. Saying you like his shirt.
The average man doesn't notice clothes - if you notice his, he'll think it's because you want to see them on your bedroom floor.
3. Asking questions about his girlfriend.
You're just being nosy about his love life. He thinks you want a walk-on part in it.
4. Talking about your own relationship problems.
You find it easy to discuss these things. Men don't, so he'll imagine that you're auditioning replacements for your boyfriend.
5. Approaching him at a party.
Men see starting a conversation as the first stage of seduction. They can't understand why you'd do it just to be friendly.
6. Touching his arm as you talk.
Women are more tactile than men - they forget that testosterone can be brought to the boil by the merest brush of a female hand.
7. Teasing him.
You're doing it simply because you can, and it amuses you. He sees it as an early phase of the mating ritual.
8. Ignoring a call on your mobile when you're with him. You hit 'divert' because it's your boss and you don't want to talk to her - but the man's ego tells him you're captivated by his witty conversation.
9. Re-applying your make-up.
A fresh coat of lip-gloss makes you feel good about yourself. He thinks it's being done to attract him.
10. Dancing with him.
It's an Abba record - you'd dance with the nearest hat-stand - but your partner in boogie assumes that you want his body.
Of course, all these are things you might do if you are really flirting. But even if you're not, don't worry too much - wouldn't life be boring if you couldn't laugh at men?
What's with these men and their egos? oh my goodnessssss
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Don't know why but today I woke up with a rather good mood... uh... high on weeds? hahahahaa... well, I can sing "happy, shalala, eerybody should be happy, shalala, it's so nice to be happy, shalala, everybody should be happy, shalala.. c'mon everybodeh sing wit me~~"
Went KTV (again) and sang my 知难而退 and a couple'o Shino's songs... yayeeeeee..
Got a huge pimple on my nose.. pain ah...
uh.. uh... Happy birthday to Roger and LiuJing.. hahaha..
June 29, 2004
You may make a major and final decision for breaking a relationship. The future will prove you right.
Your plans will be successfull, but you are advised to be patient.
You are advised to accept team work!
Find out about yours here~~
Went KTV (again) and sang my 知难而退 and a couple'o Shino's songs... yayeeeeee..
Got a huge pimple on my nose.. pain ah...
uh.. uh... Happy birthday to Roger and LiuJing.. hahaha..
June 29, 2004
You may make a major and final decision for breaking a relationship. The future will prove you right.
Your plans will be successfull, but you are advised to be patient.
You are advised to accept team work!
Sagittarians have a positive outlook on life, are full of enterprise, energy, versatility, adventurousness and eagerness to extend experience beyond the physically familiar. They enjoy travelling and exploration, the more so because their minds are constantly open to new dimensions of thought. They are basically ambitious and optimistic, and continue to be so even when their hopes are dashed. Their strongly idealistic natures can also suffer many disappointments without being affected. They are honorable, honest, trustworthy, truthful, generous and sincere, with a passion for justice. They are usually on the side of the underdog in society they will fight for any cause they believe to be just, and are prepared to be rebellious. They balance loyalty with independence.
Sagittarians are usually modest and are often religious, with a strong sense of morality, though they tend to overemphasize the ethical codes they follow and worship beliefs about God rather than God Himself. This means that, negatively, they regard rigid, unloving, intolerant adherence to ritual and conventional codes as more important than the truths they symbolize or embody. They sometimes pay lip service to religions and political parties in which they have ceased to believe because the outward forms satisfy them, yet they may not hesitate to switch allegiance in politics or change their system of belief if they see personal advantage to themselves in doing so.
They have both profound and widely ranging minds, equipped with foresight and good judgement, and they can be witty conversationalists. They love to initiate new projects (they make excellent researchers) and have an urge to understand conceptions that are new to them. they think rapidly, are intuitive and often original, but are better at adapting than inventing and are at their best when working with colleagues of other types of character that compliment their own. They are strong-willed and good at organizing, a combination that gives them the ability to bring any project they undertake to a successful conclusion. Their generosity can be balanced by their extreme care at handling their resources.
Sagittarians are ardent, sincere and straightforward in love, normally conventional and in control of their sexual natures. Yet if thwarted, they may easily allow their failure to embitter their whole lives or they may revenge themselves upon the opposite sex by becoming cynically promiscuous. They are more apt then the average to make an uncongenial alliance. If their marriages are successful, they will be faithful spouses and indulgent parents; but their innate restlessness will inspire them to use even the most satisfying ménage as a base from which to set out on their travels. They need to fell free and are often faced with the choice of allowing their careers to take over their lives at the expense of the love of their spouse and family. Sagittarian women are the counterparts of their men; even if they have no career to rival their love, they find it difficult to express affection and may run the risk of being thought frigid.
In other personal relationships they are reliable, seldom betraying any trust given to them. They can, however, be impulsively angry and both male and female Sagittarians know how to be outspoken and exactly what expressions will hurt their adversaries most. On the other hand they are magnanimous in forgiving offenses and are responsible when looking after the elderly in the family.
Their gifts fit Sagittarians for a number of widely differing professions. They are natural teachers and philosophers with a talent for expounding the moral principles and laws which seem to explain the universe. This gift enables them to be successful churchmen on the one hand and scientists on the other. The law and politics also suit them, as does public service, social administration, public relations and advertising. Travel and exploration naturally appeal to such restless souls and, if their opportunities are limited, they may find something of travel and change of scene in the armed forces or through working as a travelling salesman. Others may make fine musicians and, in the days before automobiles, they were said to be successful at horse trading and all activities, including sporting ones, concerning horses. This has been translated in modern terms into an interest in cars and aircraft - and again with emphasis on the sporting side racing, rallying etc. They are said to make good sports coaches, but their tastes in this direction may lead them into imprudent gambling, though the gambling instinct may be sublimated by carrying it out professionally as a bookmaker.
The vices to which Sagittarians are prone are anger they tend to flare up over trifles; impatience - they want to rush every new project through immediately and demand too much of colleagues who cannot work at the pace they require; and scorn of the inadequacies of others while expecting fulsome recognition of their own efforts. They may in one sense deserve recognition, because in completing a major project they will sacrifice their health and family relationships; in their family's eyes they may merit condemnation.
They can be exacting, domineering and inconsiderate in the work place; and boastful, vulgar and extravagant in their private lives. Their restlessness, if excessive, can jeopardize more than their own stability. some Sagittarians risk becoming playboys, wasting their lives away in frivolous pursuits. Others can develop a moralizing, religious fanaticism or else turn into hypocrites, their inner prudishness disguised by an outward appearance of joviality. Another side of the religiosity which is a danger in Sagittarians is superstition.
getting to the heart of the matter
Laws and meanings
the general 'feel' of things
Off the wall theories
being tied down domestically
Being constrained
cooling your heels
bothered with details
Must thank Feng for getting that for me.. hahaha... yah, I must admit that I am proud, conceited and so full of myself.. and yeah, I am right, the world does revolves around me.. and me only~~ yayeeeee
Sagittarians are usually modest and are often religious, with a strong sense of morality, though they tend to overemphasize the ethical codes they follow and worship beliefs about God rather than God Himself. This means that, negatively, they regard rigid, unloving, intolerant adherence to ritual and conventional codes as more important than the truths they symbolize or embody. They sometimes pay lip service to religions and political parties in which they have ceased to believe because the outward forms satisfy them, yet they may not hesitate to switch allegiance in politics or change their system of belief if they see personal advantage to themselves in doing so.
They have both profound and widely ranging minds, equipped with foresight and good judgement, and they can be witty conversationalists. They love to initiate new projects (they make excellent researchers) and have an urge to understand conceptions that are new to them. they think rapidly, are intuitive and often original, but are better at adapting than inventing and are at their best when working with colleagues of other types of character that compliment their own. They are strong-willed and good at organizing, a combination that gives them the ability to bring any project they undertake to a successful conclusion. Their generosity can be balanced by their extreme care at handling their resources.
Sagittarians are ardent, sincere and straightforward in love, normally conventional and in control of their sexual natures. Yet if thwarted, they may easily allow their failure to embitter their whole lives or they may revenge themselves upon the opposite sex by becoming cynically promiscuous. They are more apt then the average to make an uncongenial alliance. If their marriages are successful, they will be faithful spouses and indulgent parents; but their innate restlessness will inspire them to use even the most satisfying ménage as a base from which to set out on their travels. They need to fell free and are often faced with the choice of allowing their careers to take over their lives at the expense of the love of their spouse and family. Sagittarian women are the counterparts of their men; even if they have no career to rival their love, they find it difficult to express affection and may run the risk of being thought frigid.
In other personal relationships they are reliable, seldom betraying any trust given to them. They can, however, be impulsively angry and both male and female Sagittarians know how to be outspoken and exactly what expressions will hurt their adversaries most. On the other hand they are magnanimous in forgiving offenses and are responsible when looking after the elderly in the family.
Their gifts fit Sagittarians for a number of widely differing professions. They are natural teachers and philosophers with a talent for expounding the moral principles and laws which seem to explain the universe. This gift enables them to be successful churchmen on the one hand and scientists on the other. The law and politics also suit them, as does public service, social administration, public relations and advertising. Travel and exploration naturally appeal to such restless souls and, if their opportunities are limited, they may find something of travel and change of scene in the armed forces or through working as a travelling salesman. Others may make fine musicians and, in the days before automobiles, they were said to be successful at horse trading and all activities, including sporting ones, concerning horses. This has been translated in modern terms into an interest in cars and aircraft - and again with emphasis on the sporting side racing, rallying etc. They are said to make good sports coaches, but their tastes in this direction may lead them into imprudent gambling, though the gambling instinct may be sublimated by carrying it out professionally as a bookmaker.
The vices to which Sagittarians are prone are anger they tend to flare up over trifles; impatience - they want to rush every new project through immediately and demand too much of colleagues who cannot work at the pace they require; and scorn of the inadequacies of others while expecting fulsome recognition of their own efforts. They may in one sense deserve recognition, because in completing a major project they will sacrifice their health and family relationships; in their family's eyes they may merit condemnation.
They can be exacting, domineering and inconsiderate in the work place; and boastful, vulgar and extravagant in their private lives. Their restlessness, if excessive, can jeopardize more than their own stability. some Sagittarians risk becoming playboys, wasting their lives away in frivolous pursuits. Others can develop a moralizing, religious fanaticism or else turn into hypocrites, their inner prudishness disguised by an outward appearance of joviality. Another side of the religiosity which is a danger in Sagittarians is superstition.
getting to the heart of the matter
Laws and meanings
the general 'feel' of things
Off the wall theories
being tied down domestically
Being constrained
cooling your heels
bothered with details
Must thank Feng for getting that for me.. hahaha... yah, I must admit that I am proud, conceited and so full of myself.. and yeah, I am right, the world does revolves around me.. and me only~~ yayeeeee
Sunday, June 27, 2004
Just got this off iWeekly..hmmm...
In one of our most heated arguments, I was told I do not know what love is.. Maybe I don't.. but do you? Was reading something that reminded me about this conversation.. haha.. Maybe I am just too self-centred to see his point of view..
No point wondering how it's gonna be.. cos' it's never gonna be, anymore..
Dedicating the next song to my ever-adorable cousin, it's one of her favourite songs now.. by Diamond, no I mean jewellery, no, I mean Jewel..
Walk in a corner shop
See a shoplifting cop
See the old lady with a gun
See the hero try 2 run
Nothing's what it seems, I mean
It's not all dirty, but it's not all clean
There's children paying bills
There's monks buying thrills
There's pride for sale in magazines
There's pills for rent 2 make u clean
Marvin Gaye, there's no brother, brother
Woody Guthrie's land can't feed Mothe
Mothers weep, children sleep
So much violence ends in silence
It's a shame there's no one 2 blame
For all the pain that life brings
If u will just take me It might just complete me
And together we can make a stand
A waitress brings me lunch
We meet but do not touch
On TV, D.C. is selling lies
While in the corner, King's dream dies
Go 2 the counter, pay for me and my friend
A homeless man pulls out a roll, says it's on him
The mayor has no cash
He said he spent it on hookers and hash
U will love me, I will love u
It's pretty amusing to hear her mumble in front and then suddenly sing very loudly at the chorus part.. oh.. I am missing her so much...
Just got this off iWeekly..hmmm...
In one of our most heated arguments, I was told I do not know what love is.. Maybe I don't.. but do you? Was reading something that reminded me about this conversation.. haha.. Maybe I am just too self-centred to see his point of view..
No point wondering how it's gonna be.. cos' it's never gonna be, anymore..
Dedicating the next song to my ever-adorable cousin, it's one of her favourite songs now.. by Diamond, no I mean jewellery, no, I mean Jewel..
Walk in a corner shop
See a shoplifting cop
See the old lady with a gun
See the hero try 2 run
Nothing's what it seems, I mean
It's not all dirty, but it's not all clean
There's children paying bills
There's monks buying thrills
There's pride for sale in magazines
There's pills for rent 2 make u clean
Marvin Gaye, there's no brother, brother
Woody Guthrie's land can't feed Mothe
Mothers weep, children sleep
So much violence ends in silence
It's a shame there's no one 2 blame
For all the pain that life brings
If u will just take me It might just complete me
And together we can make a stand
A waitress brings me lunch
We meet but do not touch
On TV, D.C. is selling lies
While in the corner, King's dream dies
Go 2 the counter, pay for me and my friend
A homeless man pulls out a roll, says it's on him
The mayor has no cash
He said he spent it on hookers and hash
U will love me, I will love u
It's pretty amusing to hear her mumble in front and then suddenly sing very loudly at the chorus part.. oh.. I am missing her so much...
It's been a long day.. So as planned I took a train from Bangsar to KL Sentral, from there another train to Masjid Jemak and walked towards Pudu Raya.. I left the way I came.. hahaha... 'cept I took an ultra dirty bus and the trip was 3 hours longer than promised.. stupid M#l*&si*ns...
So anyway my brother picked me up from Woodlands with his New girlfriend.. New girlfriend, New car, what else? New sister? I can't understand why some people can let go of one relationship and go into a new one shortly after.. It's just not me.. which is why I am so pathetic.. hur hur
Anyway after that I really DID go back to work... and I don't like it.. it's damn EMPTY and that I was stationed in Bar 2.. and people keep showcasing what they can do and what they need to do.. but after being 'enlightened' my Eve, I simply couldn't be bothered.. just a little uneasy...
Sunny and Candy resigned.. haven't gotten the chance to see Sunny 'run'.. hahahah.. Will be working at SOS on Friday and Saturday next week.. anyone wants to keep me company?
So anyway my brother picked me up from Woodlands with his New girlfriend.. New girlfriend, New car, what else? New sister? I can't understand why some people can let go of one relationship and go into a new one shortly after.. It's just not me.. which is why I am so pathetic.. hur hur
Anyway after that I really DID go back to work... and I don't like it.. it's damn EMPTY and that I was stationed in Bar 2.. and people keep showcasing what they can do and what they need to do.. but after being 'enlightened' my Eve, I simply couldn't be bothered.. just a little uneasy...
Sunny and Candy resigned.. haven't gotten the chance to see Sunny 'run'.. hahahah.. Will be working at SOS on Friday and Saturday next week.. anyone wants to keep me company?
Saturday, June 26, 2004
just as I was going to sleep I received a msg from boss aka Ting asking me to work... I would love to.. really. so here I am sitting on the floor thinking if I should go back early tomorrow.. That would sound abit desperate but hey, I am really desperate to DO SOMETHING instead of just aimlessly trying to figure out how it's going to be...
I am still considering.. so if I were to go back early.. tomorrow morning instead of going to Mid Valley, I would be going to Pudu Raya to catch a bus home.. II checked AirAsia site, no, I am not able to get a tix for tomorrow.. and even if I want to, the timing is really oh well...
the perfect timing to return is 1pm.. so I will reach home maybe about 6 plus, 7... and of cos' I would then have to explain to my parents why I am back so suddenly and have to return to work 10 mins after I put down my bag... and on Sunday I would have to hear my parents nagging and stuffs...
So here I am, still thinking hard, not sure what I should do but unable to sleep... and I know I need to sleep... DAMNIT.... Think since I am still awake now, I should be leaving early.. maybe I should just go home early.. whether to work is another issue already... Yah... I've decided.. ok.. back to bed.. I hope I can sleep....
If I've told you the words I've always wanted to, would they bother you? Or are they just meaningless crap that to you? By the fool you never knew?
I am still considering.. so if I were to go back early.. tomorrow morning instead of going to Mid Valley, I would be going to Pudu Raya to catch a bus home.. II checked AirAsia site, no, I am not able to get a tix for tomorrow.. and even if I want to, the timing is really oh well...
the perfect timing to return is 1pm.. so I will reach home maybe about 6 plus, 7... and of cos' I would then have to explain to my parents why I am back so suddenly and have to return to work 10 mins after I put down my bag... and on Sunday I would have to hear my parents nagging and stuffs...
So here I am, still thinking hard, not sure what I should do but unable to sleep... and I know I need to sleep... DAMNIT.... Think since I am still awake now, I should be leaving early.. maybe I should just go home early.. whether to work is another issue already... Yah... I've decided.. ok.. back to bed.. I hope I can sleep....
If I've told you the words I've always wanted to, would they bother you? Or are they just meaningless crap that to you? By the fool you never knew?
Last night in KL.. I think
Still pretty unsure what I am doing at the moment.. anyway I am returning home like tomorrow or Sunday.. LATEST... Did not really feel enlighten and stuffs... hahahaha... what a wasted trip... wasted both time AND $$$. Did not spend he last notes he gave me since I did not have time to change the money into ringgit... oh too bad...
Anyway it's good to be home I think.. I need to shift precious from Hillview to Bukit Gombak when I return.. need to practise piano.. need to clean up my room*yeah right*, need to start all over again..
some funni stuffs my baby said:
*uh, mummy, can you play the diamond song?*
Aftter correcting her.. when then she makes the same request like 10 mins later
*uh,mummy, can you play the jewellery song again?*
hahahahhaha... ain't she kewt?
And yeah, she still pronounces cannot as co-not.. hahahahhaa
July's gonna be rather busy month... oh well.... I like~~
read Sohphie's World today... it's kind of.. um... tiring for the brain...
Going to Mid Valley again tomorrow... and then meeting Sue Li later on I think... uh... yayeee?
My brother is getting a Lancer, no I won't be inheriting the Swift cos' i don't like it and my parents don't think I need a car..
Anyway it's good to be home I think.. I need to shift precious from Hillview to Bukit Gombak when I return.. need to practise piano.. need to clean up my room*yeah right*, need to start all over again..
some funni stuffs my baby said:
*uh, mummy, can you play the diamond song?*
Aftter correcting her.. when then she makes the same request like 10 mins later
*uh,mummy, can you play the jewellery song again?*
hahahahhaha... ain't she kewt?
And yeah, she still pronounces cannot as co-not.. hahahahhaa
July's gonna be rather busy month... oh well.... I like~~
read Sohphie's World today... it's kind of.. um... tiring for the brain...
Going to Mid Valley again tomorrow... and then meeting Sue Li later on I think... uh... yayeee?
My brother is getting a Lancer, no I won't be inheriting the Swift cos' i don't like it and my parents don't think I need a car..
Friday, June 25, 2004
23rd - 24th June
Did not note down my thoughts for Wednesday and today mainly cos' I was lazy...
anyway I went for Sarah's sports day in the end.. was 'kind of' cheated.. hahahaha... anyway it was fun looking at that imp having fun with her friends..
Went for lunch and MidValley.. Boi came to join us after that.. saw his tattoo.. it's not as big as they described.. it's not big at all.. hahhaha...anyway it's kind of cute.. a dolphin with some kind of wings or something.. oh well...
Went MPH with Boi to get some books... spent quite alot.. bought myself 2 tops, a watch(whichI totally regretted cos I really don't NEED one) and 2 books, actually 4, 1 for boy and 1 for Baby..anyway I think I am trying to sell the watch away or give it to someone... see how lah...
today was spent at home watchin DVDs, caught friends finale and man inblack 2.. and slept and went to Uncle CS's house and went to Uncle Mike's place for dinner..
I think I will leave on Saturday instead.. heheh.. should have brought more medicine.. Piano lesson on Monday cancelled.. kind of pissed, why didn't she tell me earlier? then I could've gone to Shanghai instead of coming back.. DAMNIT... PISSED.. hahaha
Going to sleep soon.. will continue to read my Hans Andersen's fairy tales and also Sophie's world.. Adieus..
Hope I can stay as mindless when I return home.. I am not avoiding anything.. I am just not facing it..
anyway I went for Sarah's sports day in the end.. was 'kind of' cheated.. hahahaha... anyway it was fun looking at that imp having fun with her friends..
Went for lunch and MidValley.. Boi came to join us after that.. saw his tattoo.. it's not as big as they described.. it's not big at all.. hahhaha...anyway it's kind of cute.. a dolphin with some kind of wings or something.. oh well...
Went MPH with Boi to get some books... spent quite alot.. bought myself 2 tops, a watch(whichI totally regretted cos I really don't NEED one) and 2 books, actually 4, 1 for boy and 1 for Baby..anyway I think I am trying to sell the watch away or give it to someone... see how lah...
today was spent at home watchin DVDs, caught friends finale and man inblack 2.. and slept and went to Uncle CS's house and went to Uncle Mike's place for dinner..
I think I will leave on Saturday instead.. heheh.. should have brought more medicine.. Piano lesson on Monday cancelled.. kind of pissed, why didn't she tell me earlier? then I could've gone to Shanghai instead of coming back.. DAMNIT... PISSED.. hahaha
Going to sleep soon.. will continue to read my Hans Andersen's fairy tales and also Sophie's world.. Adieus..
Hope I can stay as mindless when I return home.. I am not avoiding anything.. I am just not facing it..
Thursday, June 24, 2004
21st June to 22nd June
2.05PM after Piano Lesson at Yew Tee
Of course I haven't told anyone my plans, or rather, the lack of it.. Feels like running away from home, only with permission. How is it going to be? I am not sure either.. God Bless
8.ooPM Somewhere in KL.. I think
Pretty amused.. or rather amazed by my ability to shock my family.. Not exactly sure where I am, but still, I like it.. How I wish the journey will never end... Tempted to check into Swiss Inn for the night.. but don't think I should worry anyone further, I know they are worried.. So much for my 'mini' adventure...
8.25 Nearing Pudu Raya
Kid of disappointed as someone will be picking me up soon...
9.05 Masjid Jemak Station
Taking the train to Bukit Jalil.. Yayyyyeeeeee
9.35PM Bukit Jalil Station Roadside
Waiting for Uncle JY to pick me up.. New car, Toyota Vios, WLY9596.. No colour mentioned.. how am I suppose to know what car is that?! No more Peugeot.. didn't even get to test drive... Oh well, I'll just have to stand and wait...
22nd June
9.55AM In the car stuck in a jam
Sending the imp to school.. Had breakfast at Bangsar, just passed Mid Valley.. Going to... not sure... either home or Sunway?
Song in my head: When the heartbreak is over, I know I won't be missing you..
11.35PM Home, 22A, BK4/2 Bandar Kinrara, Puchong, something-something...In bed
Just triggered the security alarm.. wahahaha... Just got home from Uncle CS's place.. Did not stay for the night mainly because I had not taken my medicine for 2 days ans I needed to bathe. CS got a HUGE plasma TV (only learnt what it is from Junling minutes ago).. How nice if I could steal it home and put it on the ceiling.. Sherli is moving out tomorrow from CS's place.. Might be returning to CS's place to spend the day tomorrow.. don't think I want to be at Sarah's Sports' day... those are for taitais.. I am not one.. YET..
Of course I haven't told anyone my plans, or rather, the lack of it.. Feels like running away from home, only with permission. How is it going to be? I am not sure either.. God Bless
8.ooPM Somewhere in KL.. I think
Pretty amused.. or rather amazed by my ability to shock my family.. Not exactly sure where I am, but still, I like it.. How I wish the journey will never end... Tempted to check into Swiss Inn for the night.. but don't think I should worry anyone further, I know they are worried.. So much for my 'mini' adventure...
8.25 Nearing Pudu Raya
Kid of disappointed as someone will be picking me up soon...
9.05 Masjid Jemak Station
Taking the train to Bukit Jalil.. Yayyyyeeeeee
9.35PM Bukit Jalil Station Roadside
Waiting for Uncle JY to pick me up.. New car, Toyota Vios, WLY9596.. No colour mentioned.. how am I suppose to know what car is that?! No more Peugeot.. didn't even get to test drive... Oh well, I'll just have to stand and wait...
22nd June
9.55AM In the car stuck in a jam
Sending the imp to school.. Had breakfast at Bangsar, just passed Mid Valley.. Going to... not sure... either home or Sunway?
Song in my head: When the heartbreak is over, I know I won't be missing you..
11.35PM Home, 22A, BK4/2 Bandar Kinrara, Puchong, something-something...In bed
Just triggered the security alarm.. wahahaha... Just got home from Uncle CS's place.. Did not stay for the night mainly because I had not taken my medicine for 2 days ans I needed to bathe. CS got a HUGE plasma TV (only learnt what it is from Junling minutes ago).. How nice if I could steal it home and put it on the ceiling.. Sherli is moving out tomorrow from CS's place.. Might be returning to CS's place to spend the day tomorrow.. don't think I want to be at Sarah's Sports' day... those are for taitais.. I am not one.. YET..
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Yep, that's where I am now... in my Uncle CS's place,waiting to go back to JY's place to bathe.. it's been a long day.. full details of my adventure will be posted when I'm back in Singapore.. hahah.. THanks guys, I miss you too.. and Pris, update your blog~~ can't wait to read more about ur life there..
Monday, June 21, 2004
Last post
Hahaha... really last post before I leave..
Was looking at the map last night.. been toying with the disappearing act idea.. to roam around KL for maybe a night or two before going back to Bukit Jalil.. Maybe not.. don want to worry my parents.. I know they are upset by the way I 说走就走 but well, I'm always like that, so they should be pretty used to it by now.. At least I gave them 2 days notice..
Going to use the last notes he gave me in KL.. last phone conversation gone.. last sweet message gone.. yah, now should be the last amount of money gone as well.. and I should be happy and free again~~
Was talking to Daphne last night... WH IS SHE NOT COMING BACK? hahaha.. how I wish we were back in Secondary school again.. it was so simple and so happy... WHY do we have to change? hahahah
Hope that I've packed everything.. if I didn't, well too bad.. hahah..
good luck to me and you all~ Adieus!
Was looking at the map last night.. been toying with the disappearing act idea.. to roam around KL for maybe a night or two before going back to Bukit Jalil.. Maybe not.. don want to worry my parents.. I know they are upset by the way I 说走就走 but well, I'm always like that, so they should be pretty used to it by now.. At least I gave them 2 days notice..
Going to use the last notes he gave me in KL.. last phone conversation gone.. last sweet message gone.. yah, now should be the last amount of money gone as well.. and I should be happy and free again~~
Was talking to Daphne last night... WH IS SHE NOT COMING BACK? hahaha.. how I wish we were back in Secondary school again.. it was so simple and so happy... WHY do we have to change? hahahah
Hope that I've packed everything.. if I didn't, well too bad.. hahah..
good luck to me and you all~ Adieus!
想你在他的怀里 应该幸福
最后一口啤酒无所谓 酸或苦
就满足 很满足
当结局不能改 我又何必躲开
没什么值得大惊小怪 就淋个痛快
听风 咻-咻-咻-嘲笑我的爱 就像感情的备胎
你别问why why why 我一直都在
你有很好的未来 再痛我也说all right
当风 咻-咻-咻-送走我的爱 街边路灯一整排
是天在 cry cry cry 我的笑还在
有天他不能依赖 你怀念我外套口袋
告诉我 我随时 stand by
My final post before I leave for KL.. might not be blogging for the next few days.. so leave you guys with my current favourite song.. did not like it at first cos of the 咻-咻-咻- part, sounds so silly.. hahhah...
anyway I've got Avril Lavigne's new tracks as well.. courtesy of bestbest.. hahaha...
Will miss you guys~
想你在他的怀里 应该幸福
最后一口啤酒无所谓 酸或苦
就满足 很满足
当结局不能改 我又何必躲开
没什么值得大惊小怪 就淋个痛快
听风 咻-咻-咻-嘲笑我的爱 就像感情的备胎
你别问why why why 我一直都在
你有很好的未来 再痛我也说all right
当风 咻-咻-咻-送走我的爱 街边路灯一整排
是天在 cry cry cry 我的笑还在
有天他不能依赖 你怀念我外套口袋
告诉我 我随时 stand by
My final post before I leave for KL.. might not be blogging for the next few days.. so leave you guys with my current favourite song.. did not like it at first cos of the 咻-咻-咻- part, sounds so silly.. hahhah...
anyway I've got Avril Lavigne's new tracks as well.. courtesy of bestbest.. hahaha...
Will miss you guys~
~Ryan@~~ (12:33 AM) :
, u got ani fens wan to subscibe cableTV? if so, do find me..=)..
now got free installation, first month is $31.50, then is $16.80 for each month for the next 4 subsequent month.. is a 5 months contract..=)..thanks...
Haven't pack yet...can't find those disposable underwears.. what's new? hahah..
Have fun in camp bestbest and bestest fondest... I'll bring ipod mini.. boxes for you.. hahahha
, u got ani fens wan to subscibe cableTV? if so, do find me..=)..
now got free installation, first month is $31.50, then is $16.80 for each month for the next 4 subsequent month.. is a 5 months contract..=)..thanks...
Haven't pack yet...can't find those disposable underwears.. what's new? hahah..
Have fun in camp bestbest and bestest fondest... I'll bring ipod mini.. boxes for you.. hahahha
Sunday, June 20, 2004
say CHEeeEeeEezzzz
|What would you say?
bonsaimanu (6:49 PM) :
if one person pissed another a person so much what would he say?
bonsaimanu (6:49 PM) :
excuse me i ment miss not pissed.. ha.
Grouch (6:51 PM) :
hahaha..just tell that person nicely? if it's appropriate..
bonsaimanu (6:51 PM) :
He would say one name.... and that name is "ELIZABETH PANG"
bonsaimanu (6:58 PM) :
I miss u like missles.
bonsaimanu (6:58 PM) :
people who miss each other send missles.. like US and USSR during the cold war.. how sweet.
hahaa... funny conversation...
Slept till three today... kewl eh? but considering I slept only at 5 in the morning, it's not that long afterall..
Have not packed yet... alamak!
Did not do anything that I planned to do for the weekend.. aiayak!
if one person pissed another a person so much what would he say?
bonsaimanu (6:49 PM) :
excuse me i ment miss not pissed.. ha.
Grouch (6:51 PM) :
hahaha..just tell that person nicely? if it's appropriate..
bonsaimanu (6:51 PM) :
He would say one name.... and that name is "ELIZABETH PANG"
bonsaimanu (6:58 PM) :
I miss u like missles.
bonsaimanu (6:58 PM) :
people who miss each other send missles.. like US and USSR during the cold war.. how sweet.
hahaa... funny conversation...
Slept till three today... kewl eh? but considering I slept only at 5 in the morning, it's not that long afterall..
Have not packed yet... alamak!
Did not do anything that I planned to do for the weekend.. aiayak!
Sex Booze and Weeds (part II)
My arse... hahha.. went to Yiling's 21st Birthday.. I must say her house is like situated in the middle of this ultra huge maze.. even the Cab driver didn't know where it is.. anyway, just in case you were wondering, it's 45, Lentor street.. hahah
Took a cab from Jurong to Yio Chu Kang.. KAOS... it's almost as expensive as her present.. hahaha.. went past many places.. finally know where this LONGHOUSE place is.. it's actually after Lornie Road/Drive exit..
The food was good.. according to that ger, it cost $20/head... no wonder it's good.. it's got to be good.
Got this DAMN unhappy episode at the pool's changing room.. it's basically this stupid bitch who tries to cut q and blamed us for not q-ing properly.. BITCH.. Singaporeans only knows how to Q for freebies, other than that, they simply cut q... If simple things like q-ing up needs to be written down and pasted on the walls as a part of rules and regulation, I really think it's very sad.. anyway, during the confrontation, that bitch called me a motherf*ka... just for her information, I can't do that to my mum, 1st, that's incest, 2nd, I just don't have the tool... so anyway she said that in front of her daughters.. if that is their upbringing, I sincerely feel sorry for them..So in this whole episode, she showed her daughters how to twist facts to get her way, use vulgarities and some kind of racism cos' I heard her mentioned 'Chinese' *obviously she is not I am not into racist jokes ANYMORE, I shall not mention what race she is.. but no, she is nto related to the Dayung Sampan joke.. NO prize for getting the answer* And of cos' she is a BLARDY bully.. cos we were just teenagers and I did saw her walking behind.. realising that other Q's are filled with mothers and kids and grownups and ah-mas and ahlians, we are the most easy targets and thinking she can speak louder and hurl vulgarities she can push us around.. oh well, as I was in a hurry, I couldn't be bothered but to go first and not argue with her.. on the cab, I was thinking if I had the time, I would just stand there and talk.. I mean nicely sarcastic-leee to make her feel so blardy uncivilised.. if she's still got some sense in her.. and if she turns violent, I would just call the police, not like the changing room is empty and no one sees.. blardee much for gracious society..
Anyway the above-mentioned episode is not related to racism as there are other mothers of the same race behind our q... just that bitch... don't ever let me have the chance to serve her at reading room.. I'll make sure she gets loads of extras in the stuffs she order.. BITCH
On my way home I saw this DAMN kewl skater malay.. Kaos.. reminds me so much of Isk, maybe not as kewl.. well, I was trying hard not to drool.. hahahha... anyway he alighted at Senja or is it Segar.. oh watever, just a stop before me.. I wanted to do the 'stalking' thing again.. but oh well.. hahaha
Got the whole 'Ocean' album from Eve(my pirate no.3)... anyone who wants can let me know or just download from my ICQ shared files... teeheee..
Went shopping today... finally got myself the green boardies from OP since there's 20%.. though not alot but better than nothing.. right? got myself a brolly and top from Esprit... they changed the privilege card... I feel less privileged cos it's no longer sent to me.. it's just like my mum's 马膘燕窝 VIP card with no name, no barcodes and stuff.. ok it's relatively better since that 马膘燕窝
only offers 3% while my red card offers 20..
think I over-shopped already.. but oh well.. what's shopped cannot be un-shopped..
Spent over $30 on cab fares within 2 days.. heart pain.. hahahha
should not have brought my JPG bag today cos' it's so small and I had to squeeze everything in *cos I don't really like holding things in my hand and i had many places to go today* anyway the bag is so full of plastic bags which sounded like an auntie whenever I tried to take out my wallet.. but coins was impressed by the amount of stuffs that can be stuffed into that bag... hahha.. anyway I need to wash all my JPG and Project shop bags... clean my haversacks.. throw away those miscellaneous bags that I had since... eonsssss ago.. yeah, throw everthing into the wardrobe and hide them before I go KL.. Speaking of which.. I should be leaving on Monday.. and I need to pack..Damn.. how many times do I need to pack in one holis?
need to practise on piano tomorrow.. hurt my middle finger while waiting for my turn to bathe at the pool.. not I did not try to show that bitch my precious finger.. I was biting my nails and 'bit' a little too much into the skin.. think I will have pus oozing out in a couple of days..
Qianling was horrified by my right arm.. she was going to ask if I was abused... and she had a good laugh when I told her one of the wounds is due to playing badminton.. wahahhaa.. I should get a wrist guard SOON...
wore my new TYR swimming costume today..*feels so....SPorteEeeE* anyway I've learnt how to clip and un-clip the back of it.. Coins was like saying.. yeah it's pretty much like bra hooks, you just got to get the hang of it.. hahhaa... Should be bringing Arena
swimming costume to KL..*better remind myself tomorrow*
Better remind myself to get my bag from auntie.. she don't seem to want to return it to me after she 'kouped' it from me in China.. noted.
So many things to do tomorrow.. haiyos..So much for today... did not get my precious 8 hours of sleep.. was woken up by mum at noon to have lunch.. and she was nagging.. I did not want to tell her what time I slept.. in the morning.. hahaha.. or that'll be another round of nagging again.. hahahaha
Seriously considering working again..
All these thinking must be wiping out the miserable amount of braincells left in me..
Read this from someone else's blog..
Its time for me to get a jab at life, gonna get another major, will look for a course soon, studying is way more satisfying than relationships, knowledge stays with me forever. No i can't have sex with a book, i understand that. But i dont' feel urges anymore. strange.. maybe i'm just so sick, so afraid, so tired of being in a relationship and pondering over the other person's emotions. Pure emotionless sex sickens me. So i guess i'm left with no other resorts, to give up relationships altogether,
none of that now, gonna start living for myself, no one else. Giving has brought me nothing but pain, self humilation, self depravation, and self alienation. I always put in my all, for every trying relationship, I always lose.
Its time for me to regain what i'm lost, no more chance giving, no more stupid hopes on "everything should work out" or praying for "eternal love". Lie to once and again. i have enough.
I have once lived my life for love, and my hope shattered and mended countless times. This time i'm not even gonna pick up the shattered debris, i'm gonna move on. No more mending hearts.
I badly need respite, i badly need comfort, i badly need someone.
that is not meant to be and i've come to terms with it.
your empty promises, your insincere apologies, your lies, your emotionless gift wrapped sweeten words, i don't need this anymore. Seriously, i don't, if you're going into pseudo-pensive mood now, save it. your intellectual abilities does not allow that. you're just selfish. PERIOD. Yes i'm hurt once again. Yes i do weep. But NEVER AGAIN.
Life is not unfair, we just conveniently forget the times when the scale is tipped on our side.
we pay for our joy, with sadness and loneliness
be it payment before happiness, or happiness before payment.
I hate this kind of transaction, but we're all bound like mindless fools to the terms and conditions of a contract called "Life / Cause & Effect"
Pretty nice stuff huh?*MORBID*
Took a cab from Jurong to Yio Chu Kang.. KAOS... it's almost as expensive as her present.. hahaha.. went past many places.. finally know where this LONGHOUSE place is.. it's actually after Lornie Road/Drive exit..
The food was good.. according to that ger, it cost $20/head... no wonder it's good.. it's got to be good.
Got this DAMN unhappy episode at the pool's changing room.. it's basically this stupid bitch who tries to cut q and blamed us for not q-ing properly.. BITCH.. Singaporeans only knows how to Q for freebies, other than that, they simply cut q... If simple things like q-ing up needs to be written down and pasted on the walls as a part of rules and regulation, I really think it's very sad.. anyway, during the confrontation, that bitch called me a motherf*ka... just for her information, I can't do that to my mum, 1st, that's incest, 2nd, I just don't have the tool... so anyway she said that in front of her daughters.. if that is their upbringing, I sincerely feel sorry for them..So in this whole episode, she showed her daughters how to twist facts to get her way, use vulgarities and some kind of racism cos' I heard her mentioned 'Chinese' *obviously she is not I am not into racist jokes ANYMORE, I shall not mention what race she is.. but no, she is nto related to the Dayung Sampan joke.. NO prize for getting the answer* And of cos' she is a BLARDY bully.. cos we were just teenagers and I did saw her walking behind.. realising that other Q's are filled with mothers and kids and grownups and ah-mas and ahlians, we are the most easy targets and thinking she can speak louder and hurl vulgarities she can push us around.. oh well, as I was in a hurry, I couldn't be bothered but to go first and not argue with her.. on the cab, I was thinking if I had the time, I would just stand there and talk.. I mean nicely sarcastic-leee to make her feel so blardy uncivilised.. if she's still got some sense in her.. and if she turns violent, I would just call the police, not like the changing room is empty and no one sees.. blardee much for gracious society..
Anyway the above-mentioned episode is not related to racism as there are other mothers of the same race behind our q... just that bitch... don't ever let me have the chance to serve her at reading room.. I'll make sure she gets loads of extras in the stuffs she order.. BITCH
On my way home I saw this DAMN kewl skater malay.. Kaos.. reminds me so much of Isk, maybe not as kewl.. well, I was trying hard not to drool.. hahahha... anyway he alighted at Senja or is it Segar.. oh watever, just a stop before me.. I wanted to do the 'stalking' thing again.. but oh well.. hahaha
Got the whole 'Ocean' album from Eve(my pirate no.3)... anyone who wants can let me know or just download from my ICQ shared files... teeheee..
Went shopping today... finally got myself the green boardies from OP since there's 20%.. though not alot but better than nothing.. right? got myself a brolly and top from Esprit... they changed the privilege card... I feel less privileged cos it's no longer sent to me.. it's just like my mum's 马膘燕窝 VIP card with no name, no barcodes and stuff.. ok it's relatively better since that 马膘燕窝
only offers 3% while my red card offers 20..
think I over-shopped already.. but oh well.. what's shopped cannot be un-shopped..
Spent over $30 on cab fares within 2 days.. heart pain.. hahahha
should not have brought my JPG bag today cos' it's so small and I had to squeeze everything in *cos I don't really like holding things in my hand and i had many places to go today* anyway the bag is so full of plastic bags which sounded like an auntie whenever I tried to take out my wallet.. but coins was impressed by the amount of stuffs that can be stuffed into that bag... hahha.. anyway I need to wash all my JPG and Project shop bags... clean my haversacks.. throw away those miscellaneous bags that I had since... eonsssss ago.. yeah, throw everthing into the wardrobe and hide them before I go KL.. Speaking of which.. I should be leaving on Monday.. and I need to pack..Damn.. how many times do I need to pack in one holis?
need to practise on piano tomorrow.. hurt my middle finger while waiting for my turn to bathe at the pool.. not I did not try to show that bitch my precious finger.. I was biting my nails and 'bit' a little too much into the skin.. think I will have pus oozing out in a couple of days..
Qianling was horrified by my right arm.. she was going to ask if I was abused... and she had a good laugh when I told her one of the wounds is due to playing badminton.. wahahhaa.. I should get a wrist guard SOON...
wore my new TYR swimming costume today..*feels so....SPorteEeeE* anyway I've learnt how to clip and un-clip the back of it.. Coins was like saying.. yeah it's pretty much like bra hooks, you just got to get the hang of it.. hahhaa... Should be bringing Arena
swimming costume to KL..*better remind myself tomorrow*
Better remind myself to get my bag from auntie.. she don't seem to want to return it to me after she 'kouped' it from me in China.. noted.
So many things to do tomorrow.. haiyos..So much for today... did not get my precious 8 hours of sleep.. was woken up by mum at noon to have lunch.. and she was nagging.. I did not want to tell her what time I slept.. in the morning.. hahaha.. or that'll be another round of nagging again.. hahahaha
Seriously considering working again..
All these thinking must be wiping out the miserable amount of braincells left in me..
Read this from someone else's blog..
Its time for me to get a jab at life, gonna get another major, will look for a course soon, studying is way more satisfying than relationships, knowledge stays with me forever. No i can't have sex with a book, i understand that. But i dont' feel urges anymore. strange.. maybe i'm just so sick, so afraid, so tired of being in a relationship and pondering over the other person's emotions. Pure emotionless sex sickens me. So i guess i'm left with no other resorts, to give up relationships altogether,
none of that now, gonna start living for myself, no one else. Giving has brought me nothing but pain, self humilation, self depravation, and self alienation. I always put in my all, for every trying relationship, I always lose.
Its time for me to regain what i'm lost, no more chance giving, no more stupid hopes on "everything should work out" or praying for "eternal love". Lie to once and again. i have enough.
I have once lived my life for love, and my hope shattered and mended countless times. This time i'm not even gonna pick up the shattered debris, i'm gonna move on. No more mending hearts.
I badly need respite, i badly need comfort, i badly need someone.
that is not meant to be and i've come to terms with it.
your empty promises, your insincere apologies, your lies, your emotionless gift wrapped sweeten words, i don't need this anymore. Seriously, i don't, if you're going into pseudo-pensive mood now, save it. your intellectual abilities does not allow that. you're just selfish. PERIOD. Yes i'm hurt once again. Yes i do weep. But NEVER AGAIN.
Life is not unfair, we just conveniently forget the times when the scale is tipped on our side.
we pay for our joy, with sadness and loneliness
be it payment before happiness, or happiness before payment.
I hate this kind of transaction, but we're all bound like mindless fools to the terms and conditions of a contract called "Life / Cause & Effect"
Pretty nice stuff huh?*MORBID*
Saturday, June 19, 2004
Junkie Karaoke blah blah blah
I can still feel the swaying as if I am still on the ship.. maybe it's the vodka.. I dunno.. hahha
Just got home from this ship/Karaoke thing.. basically is a ship with Karaoke system.. The bottles are relatively cheap.. not bad but a little run down and they don't serve food and stuffs... Pretty romantic cos it goes out and you can see One Fullerton and the merlion... Luckily I did not do the 'merlion' stunt.. hahaha..
So it's another night of sex, booze and weeds..minus the sex.. hahha.. on the whole, I would say I enjoyed myself.. maybe the last part was not so enjoyable as I was feeling 'pukey' already.. other than that, nice..
Got this 一夜长大 feeling.. talked to Eve alot of stuffs.. somehow enlightened by her.. but whether I can live my life like that is prolly another issue..
Seems like I am going back to the life I once had.. hanging out at night and sleeping in the day.. well it's holis, so why not? well.. maybe not too often, don't have so much financial resources to support me..haiyak!
I missed Kaili and Theresa and Fad and Isk and many of those who are out of my life already.. Why do we have to change?
Just got home from this ship/Karaoke thing.. basically is a ship with Karaoke system.. The bottles are relatively cheap.. not bad but a little run down and they don't serve food and stuffs... Pretty romantic cos it goes out and you can see One Fullerton and the merlion... Luckily I did not do the 'merlion' stunt.. hahaha..
So it's another night of sex, booze and weeds..minus the sex.. hahha.. on the whole, I would say I enjoyed myself.. maybe the last part was not so enjoyable as I was feeling 'pukey' already.. other than that, nice..
Got this 一夜长大 feeling.. talked to Eve alot of stuffs.. somehow enlightened by her.. but whether I can live my life like that is prolly another issue..
Seems like I am going back to the life I once had.. hanging out at night and sleeping in the day.. well it's holis, so why not? well.. maybe not too often, don't have so much financial resources to support me..haiyak!
I missed Kaili and Theresa and Fad and Isk and many of those who are out of my life already.. Why do we have to change?
Friday, June 18, 2004
This is like the weirdest...shit-I-don't-know-what kind of situation I've gotten myself into.. 啼笑皆非? hahaha...
Just woke up.. had a LOoOooOng day yesterday... ZzZzzz
Met up with Colin yesterday with the rest of the buangsters.. quite funny..
"那我怎么办?"*pant pant*
hahahha... ok, maybe I made up the pant..I really think I heard the pant.. hahahahah
Checking out AirAsia site, should I leave on Monday or Tuesday...
*think think think think think*
still bleeding.. hope it ends SOON.. like today.. hahah~
With all past records gone, I find myself missing you more..
Just woke up.. had a LOoOooOng day yesterday... ZzZzzz
Met up with Colin yesterday with the rest of the buangsters.. quite funny..
"那我怎么办?"*pant pant*
hahahha... ok, maybe I made up the pant..I really think I heard the pant.. hahahahah
Checking out AirAsia site, should I leave on Monday or Tuesday...
*think think think think think*
still bleeding.. hope it ends SOON.. like today.. hahah~
With all past records gone, I find myself missing you more..
Thursday, June 17, 2004
7th July UCC Row K Seat 36
If you find this familiar, YOU are the one.. hahahhaa...
anyway I shall try to bribe the person at Seat 35/37
Went swimming today... Bleeded... HAIYA!
Bought Biling her present... bout Yiling's present as well...
NOthing much for today 'cept for bestest's good news.. CONGRATS!
anyway I shall try to bribe the person at Seat 35/37
Went swimming today... Bleeded... HAIYA!
Bought Biling her present... bout Yiling's present as well...
NOthing much for today 'cept for bestest's good news.. CONGRATS!
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Been very paranoid these days..
very disturbed dreams from Cyclist to 'them' to creatures from Buffy... very tiring.. can't even have proper rest.. I know that I am worrying about the wrong things but not like I can help it!!! damnit....
Nothing much to do these days.. stopped doing cross stitch.. started reading my 21st birthday present.. quite nice. seriously.. Started like 1 hour ago and I am 1/2 way through already.. but I seriously think I should read from book 1, if not book four, since I've watched the 1st three, before reading my birthday present.. oh well...
Getting late now and every sound is making my jump. I must be scaring myself again.. DAMN PMS
what can I do to stop myself from guessing.. *confront the problem* I can't and so I won't.. hahha.. Adopting Coin's philosophy again.. There's no problem.. so there is none..
Should be going to bed soon...practised on my scales today.. not too bad, but still I HATE ABHOR DETEST scales.. it's just mindless playing.. ok, it's just too technical for my lil' fingers... damn I hate scales..
Currently thinking: what's for breakfast tomorrow.. Most prolly Kellogg's frosties or what's the not so nice one.. oh yah, the flintstones choc pebbles.. hahaha...
very disturbed dreams from Cyclist to 'them' to creatures from Buffy... very tiring.. can't even have proper rest.. I know that I am worrying about the wrong things but not like I can help it!!! damnit....
Nothing much to do these days.. stopped doing cross stitch.. started reading my 21st birthday present.. quite nice. seriously.. Started like 1 hour ago and I am 1/2 way through already.. but I seriously think I should read from book 1, if not book four, since I've watched the 1st three, before reading my birthday present.. oh well...
Getting late now and every sound is making my jump. I must be scaring myself again.. DAMN PMS
what can I do to stop myself from guessing.. *confront the problem* I can't and so I won't.. hahha.. Adopting Coin's philosophy again.. There's no problem.. so there is none..
Should be going to bed soon...practised on my scales today.. not too bad, but still I HATE ABHOR DETEST scales.. it's just mindless playing.. ok, it's just too technical for my lil' fingers... damn I hate scales..
Currently thinking: what's for breakfast tomorrow.. Most prolly Kellogg's frosties or what's the not so nice one.. oh yah, the flintstones choc pebbles.. hahaha...
Love isn't funny
When it is burning inside
When all you think of
Is how to get through the night
And when you want it
It's just a game that you play
And when you get it
They're gonna take it away
Maybe it's nothing
Maybe it's all just in my mind
Maybe I'm foolish
Maybe it's just a waste of time
But I don't think so
Maybe I definately know
That maybe
Maybe I'm in love
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
So if you want it
You wanna come out to play
Then you can have it
Cos he's got plans for the day
And if I want it
There's no one out there for me
When you don't need it
There's plenty fish in the sea
Maybe it's nothing
Maybe it's all just in my mind
Maybe I'm foolish
Maybe it's just a waste of time
But I don't think so
Maybe I definately know
Why do I keep fooling myself
Why can't I let go
This is not like me
But now I definately see
That maybe (oh-oh-oh-oh maybe)
Maybe I'm in love
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
But I don't think so (but I don't think so)
Maybe I definately know (oh-oh-oh)
Why do I keep fooling myself (why)
Why can't I let go (why can't I let go)
This is not like me (this is not like me)
But now I definately see (definately)
That maybe (oh-oh-oh-oh maybe)
Maybe I'm in love
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Love isn't funny
When it is burning inside
When all you think of
Is how to get through the night
And when you want it
It's just a game that you play
And when you get it
They're gonna take it away
Maybe it's nothing
Maybe it's all just in my mind
Maybe I'm foolish
Maybe it's just a waste of time
But I don't think so
Maybe I definately know
Why do I keep fooling myself
Why can't I let go
This is not like me
But now I definately see
That maybe (oh-oh-oh-oh maybe)
Maybe I'm in love
Ba da da da da
Ba da da da da da
Ba da da da da
Ba da da da da da
Ba da da da da
Ba da da da da da
Ba da da da da
Ba da da da da da
===MAYBE=== Emma Bunton aka BABY Spice
Whoa, ooh
Seems like ever since
The first day we met
There is no one else I think of more than you
I can't seem to forget
Can't get you out my head
Cause the verdicts in
I'm crazy over you
How can one be down?
Tell me where to start
Cause every time you smile
I feel tremors in my heart
I have but one concern
How can I get with you?
Till my day comes here's what I'm gonna do.
1 - Be sittin up in my room
Back here thinking 'bout you
I must confess I'm a mess for you
Be sittin up in my room
Back here thinking 'bout you
I'm just a mess with a plan for you
2 - Pray that you'll invest
In my happiness
All it takes is just one simple call from you
Turn my heart around
If I'm making ground
Pretty baby please tell me if I'm getting through
Tell me what is up
You see I need to know
Tell if I'm far or if I'm getting close
I have but one concern
And one concern is you
Till I'm with you here's what I'm gonna do
Ooh whoa, oh yeah, oh yeah
Hmm, oh, oh, oh
How can one be down?
Tell me where to start
Cause every time you smile
I feel tremors in my heart
I have but one concern
How can I get with you?
Till my day comes here's what I'm gonna do
===Brandy=== Sitting Up In my room.
Just two songs I heard on my way to work this morning.. Quite nice.. especially the Brandy one... go download and check it out~~ and remember to send the mp3 to me.. heheh..which reminds me of another Brandy song
How could you lie to me
After all we've been through
It's just so sad to see me in love with you
I gave you all of me
But still it wasn't enough for you
Is this how love's supposed to be
Now I'm tryin' to get over you
You ain't missin' me at all
You won't pick up the phone and call
You don't love me
Like you used to
Tell me what is going on
You got me standin' here alone
You don't know me
Like you used to
Remember what you said
When you stepped up on the scene
You got into my head
Had me stressin' like a feen
No I just can't forget
How you put that thing on me
I wish we'd never met
This way I won't be lonely
You ain't missin' me at all
You won't pick up the phone and call
You don't love me
Like you used to
Tell me what is going on
You got me standin' here alone
You don't know me
Like you used to
You don't know me
Know me like you used to
You don't know me
You ain't missin' me at all
You won't pick up the phone and call
You don't love me
Like you used to
Tell me what is going on
You got me standin' here alone
You don't know me
Like you used to
===You don't know me (like you used to)===
When it is burning inside
When all you think of
Is how to get through the night
And when you want it
It's just a game that you play
And when you get it
They're gonna take it away
Maybe it's nothing
Maybe it's all just in my mind
Maybe I'm foolish
Maybe it's just a waste of time
But I don't think so
Maybe I definately know
That maybe
Maybe I'm in love
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
So if you want it
You wanna come out to play
Then you can have it
Cos he's got plans for the day
And if I want it
There's no one out there for me
When you don't need it
There's plenty fish in the sea
Maybe it's nothing
Maybe it's all just in my mind
Maybe I'm foolish
Maybe it's just a waste of time
But I don't think so
Maybe I definately know
Why do I keep fooling myself
Why can't I let go
This is not like me
But now I definately see
That maybe (oh-oh-oh-oh maybe)
Maybe I'm in love
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
But I don't think so (but I don't think so)
Maybe I definately know (oh-oh-oh)
Why do I keep fooling myself (why)
Why can't I let go (why can't I let go)
This is not like me (this is not like me)
But now I definately see (definately)
That maybe (oh-oh-oh-oh maybe)
Maybe I'm in love
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Love isn't funny
When it is burning inside
When all you think of
Is how to get through the night
And when you want it
It's just a game that you play
And when you get it
They're gonna take it away
Maybe it's nothing
Maybe it's all just in my mind
Maybe I'm foolish
Maybe it's just a waste of time
But I don't think so
Maybe I definately know
Why do I keep fooling myself
Why can't I let go
This is not like me
But now I definately see
That maybe (oh-oh-oh-oh maybe)
Maybe I'm in love
Ba da da da da
Ba da da da da da
Ba da da da da
Ba da da da da da
Ba da da da da
Ba da da da da da
Ba da da da da
Ba da da da da da
===MAYBE=== Emma Bunton aka BABY Spice
Whoa, ooh
Seems like ever since
The first day we met
There is no one else I think of more than you
I can't seem to forget
Can't get you out my head
Cause the verdicts in
I'm crazy over you
How can one be down?
Tell me where to start
Cause every time you smile
I feel tremors in my heart
I have but one concern
How can I get with you?
Till my day comes here's what I'm gonna do.
1 - Be sittin up in my room
Back here thinking 'bout you
I must confess I'm a mess for you
Be sittin up in my room
Back here thinking 'bout you
I'm just a mess with a plan for you
2 - Pray that you'll invest
In my happiness
All it takes is just one simple call from you
Turn my heart around
If I'm making ground
Pretty baby please tell me if I'm getting through
Tell me what is up
You see I need to know
Tell if I'm far or if I'm getting close
I have but one concern
And one concern is you
Till I'm with you here's what I'm gonna do
Ooh whoa, oh yeah, oh yeah
Hmm, oh, oh, oh
How can one be down?
Tell me where to start
Cause every time you smile
I feel tremors in my heart
I have but one concern
How can I get with you?
Till my day comes here's what I'm gonna do
===Brandy=== Sitting Up In my room.
Just two songs I heard on my way to work this morning.. Quite nice.. especially the Brandy one... go download and check it out~~ and remember to send the mp3 to me.. heheh..which reminds me of another Brandy song
How could you lie to me
After all we've been through
It's just so sad to see me in love with you
I gave you all of me
But still it wasn't enough for you
Is this how love's supposed to be
Now I'm tryin' to get over you
You ain't missin' me at all
You won't pick up the phone and call
You don't love me
Like you used to
Tell me what is going on
You got me standin' here alone
You don't know me
Like you used to
Remember what you said
When you stepped up on the scene
You got into my head
Had me stressin' like a feen
No I just can't forget
How you put that thing on me
I wish we'd never met
This way I won't be lonely
You ain't missin' me at all
You won't pick up the phone and call
You don't love me
Like you used to
Tell me what is going on
You got me standin' here alone
You don't know me
Like you used to
You don't know me
Know me like you used to
You don't know me
You ain't missin' me at all
You won't pick up the phone and call
You don't love me
Like you used to
Tell me what is going on
You got me standin' here alone
You don't know me
Like you used to
===You don't know me (like you used to)===
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
It's a bright sunny day
Just happen to be reading someone's blog and come across this:
Quote of the day : Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back! Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart but if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours...
Very familiar.. well, it's nice..
Suddenly VERY ULTRA turned off by someone... it's not love becomes hate kind of things... just don't understand how someone can be so constantly insensitive to keep saying things that hurt others.. OK, maybe I'm am just being oVERLY sensitive.. OH WELL....
Nothing much today... Adriang and Alan or no doubt brothers.. I guess they must be 'programmed' the same way... prolly one is a laptop while the other is a desktop pc.. other than that, they are really similar.. Had a good time laughing at both of them... Alan will be going back to school next week... well, all the best to you little boy.. hahah!
Haven't exactly bleed yet.. should be tonight and I'll be disrupted from my sleep by cramps.. DAMNIT.. which means tomorrow I cannot swim.. DAMNIT X 916385235.
Haven't sent my cheque to worldvision.. haven't sent my letter to UOB, haven't chosen the accessories for my mini card..
Checked out the price for Genting.. it's about SGD110 for 2 nights at 1st world.. if we choose to go buy agents.. I can almost confirm it will be cheaper if we go by ourselves...
going to watch TV, more nonsense later.
Quote of the day : Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back! Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart but if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours...
Very familiar.. well, it's nice..
Suddenly VERY ULTRA turned off by someone... it's not love becomes hate kind of things... just don't understand how someone can be so constantly insensitive to keep saying things that hurt others.. OK, maybe I'm am just being oVERLY sensitive.. OH WELL....
Nothing much today... Adriang and Alan or no doubt brothers.. I guess they must be 'programmed' the same way... prolly one is a laptop while the other is a desktop pc.. other than that, they are really similar.. Had a good time laughing at both of them... Alan will be going back to school next week... well, all the best to you little boy.. hahah!
Haven't exactly bleed yet.. should be tonight and I'll be disrupted from my sleep by cramps.. DAMNIT.. which means tomorrow I cannot swim.. DAMNIT X 916385235.
Haven't sent my cheque to worldvision.. haven't sent my letter to UOB, haven't chosen the accessories for my mini card..
Checked out the price for Genting.. it's about SGD110 for 2 nights at 1st world.. if we choose to go buy agents.. I can almost confirm it will be cheaper if we go by ourselves...
going to watch TV, more nonsense later.
|Monday, June 14, 2004
I'm going to bleed soon.. Hope it's not tomorrow cos' I got to work.. hope it's not wednesday cos' I am going swimming and meeting shiling.. hope it's not thursday cos I was going to ask if they want to play badminton.. hope it's not Friday cos I plan to shift precious to Gombak that day.. hope it's not Saturday cos'.. um... oh well, just hope I don't have to bleed... Willing to remove my womb for that.. any surgeons to recommend?
Bought Swensen's ice cream from NTUC, the tub type.. if I were to buy ice cream from supermarkets, it's going to be Haagen Dazs or Swensens or maybe Movenpick.. NOT because I am some spoilt brat who eats only 'designer' ice cream but I was totally convinced by my econs teacher who told us that those less-expensive brands contains the same chemicals used in detergents to make foam.. Already not very healthy myself, so why eat foam to make it worse? hahha.. so peeps, don't just eat ANY ice cream.. unless you are craving for ice cream and you don't really have a choice, or if someone offers you.. but don't make that too often.. Just relaying Mr Pillai's words.. hahhah...
Went to collect my phone.. Everything's gone.. my recording of our last conversation, his messages, blah blah blah.. and of cos' all my other contacts and stuffs.. weird, I am not that upset.. Just that my favourite 'carnival' ringtone is gone.. but on the brighter side, my speed dial number 1 has been erased too! which means I won't accidentally call this stupidm arse who thinks I am calling him for a purpose.. I don't even know who he is in the first place.. oh well, this should be a clean start... So anyway, I shall wait patiently for the launch of newer Nokia phones and then wait patiently for their prices to drop.. hahaha! And I think I deserve a, in my humblest opinion, perfect or near perfect phone cos' I am one who fully utilise the lifespan of each phone to the fullest.. unless they suck.. like my 8310. so my rationale is 要买就要买最好的, I'm going to use it for a long time anyway...
Ritz Apple Strudels shifted out of Bukit Panjang Plaza and is replaced by Polar Cakes.. who wants Polar cakes anyway.. Silly cows.. I am missing the apple strudels already... DAMN... WHY???? and to think I have not tried their mango strudel.. DAMNIT... Quickly(or whatever it is called now) Bubble tea is gone too.. DAmnit X 2... SHIET... &(&*%%$%^$&@.. Where will I go for Bubble Tea next time????
Everything's changed.. I used to frequent the Bubble tea with Kaili and Jasmine after school.. then we would hang out at the food court.. even the food court has shifted and the old place will make way for new shops.. DAMNIT.
I hate changes.
如果从来没有拥有过, 为什么会感到空虚
Bought Swensen's ice cream from NTUC, the tub type.. if I were to buy ice cream from supermarkets, it's going to be Haagen Dazs or Swensens or maybe Movenpick.. NOT because I am some spoilt brat who eats only 'designer' ice cream but I was totally convinced by my econs teacher who told us that those less-expensive brands contains the same chemicals used in detergents to make foam.. Already not very healthy myself, so why eat foam to make it worse? hahha.. so peeps, don't just eat ANY ice cream.. unless you are craving for ice cream and you don't really have a choice, or if someone offers you.. but don't make that too often.. Just relaying Mr Pillai's words.. hahhah...
Went to collect my phone.. Everything's gone.. my recording of our last conversation, his messages, blah blah blah.. and of cos' all my other contacts and stuffs.. weird, I am not that upset.. Just that my favourite 'carnival' ringtone is gone.. but on the brighter side, my speed dial number 1 has been erased too! which means I won't accidentally call this stupidm arse who thinks I am calling him for a purpose.. I don't even know who he is in the first place.. oh well, this should be a clean start... So anyway, I shall wait patiently for the launch of newer Nokia phones and then wait patiently for their prices to drop.. hahaha! And I think I deserve a, in my humblest opinion, perfect or near perfect phone cos' I am one who fully utilise the lifespan of each phone to the fullest.. unless they suck.. like my 8310. so my rationale is 要买就要买最好的, I'm going to use it for a long time anyway...
Ritz Apple Strudels shifted out of Bukit Panjang Plaza and is replaced by Polar Cakes.. who wants Polar cakes anyway.. Silly cows.. I am missing the apple strudels already... DAMN... WHY???? and to think I have not tried their mango strudel.. DAMNIT... Quickly(or whatever it is called now) Bubble tea is gone too.. DAmnit X 2... SHIET... &(&*%%$%^$&@.. Where will I go for Bubble Tea next time????
Everything's changed.. I used to frequent the Bubble tea with Kaili and Jasmine after school.. then we would hang out at the food court.. even the food court has shifted and the old place will make way for new shops.. DAMNIT.
I hate changes.
如果从来没有拥有过, 为什么会感到空虚
Sunday, June 13, 2004
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
There are many times people would ask why am I taking medicine and stuffs.. I would just tell them I'm having Aids.. hurhur.. well, in fact, the two are somewhat related.. since they both affects the immune system.. and I can't exactly remember the word Erythematosus, so Aids would be an easier option.. Just did a little research online on SLE.. dosen't sound as reassuring as my doctor and the research people.. oh well..
Lupus is one of many disorders of the immune system known as autoimmune diseases. In autoimmune diseases, the immune system turns against parts of the body it is designed to protect. This leads to inflammation and damage to various body tissues. Lupus can affect many parts of the body, including the joints, skin, kidneys, heart, lungs, blood vessels, and brain. Although people with the disease may have many different symptoms, some of the most common ones include extreme fatigue, painful or swollen joints (arthritis), unexplained fever, skin rashes, and kidney problems.
For more information, please dial 1800-callellie. calls are charged at SGD15/minute. Callers below 18, please seek parental consent.. hahaa
Lupus is one of many disorders of the immune system known as autoimmune diseases. In autoimmune diseases, the immune system turns against parts of the body it is designed to protect. This leads to inflammation and damage to various body tissues. Lupus can affect many parts of the body, including the joints, skin, kidneys, heart, lungs, blood vessels, and brain. Although people with the disease may have many different symptoms, some of the most common ones include extreme fatigue, painful or swollen joints (arthritis), unexplained fever, skin rashes, and kidney problems.
For more information, please dial 1800-callellie. calls are charged at SGD15/minute. Callers below 18, please seek parental consent.. hahaa
Just remembered that I owe Bestbest and Bestest Fondest $3 each.. *no, there was not bet involved, I simply did not have enough small change to return them that day*
Went to church today, hope that can ward off some bad luck..
Graphics card spoilt, no Gunbound. DAMNIT.. *not like I always play but..*
Got my Visa Mini yesterday, and misplaced it yesterday.. hahaha.. Bestbest was impressed by my ability to misplace things.. I think others share the smae sentiments too.. hahah... wondering which freebie I should redeem.. should it be the leather case or the metal one.. think I shall get the leather one cos' the metal one would prolly get scratched like... like.. I dunno.. or like bestbest said, it'll prolly be covered by stickers all over.. oh well.. I will think about it.. but first, I need to find the envelope with the voucher and the card.. haha!
The Bent it like Beckham later.. Nice movie.. anyone reading this before 7 should tune in to channel 5~~
New Disney movie Home on the Range.. ANYONE?
No takers for Private parts... haiya!
Someone invited me somewhere, I am not sure if it's friday or Saturday and I deleted the message and I don't have that friend's number.. and I don't have the number of the other friend who is going with me.. DAMNIT.. SOMEONE CALL ME~~~
Think I will go collect my phone tomorrow..
Hope my parents strike 4D or toto or whatever along those lines.. I need to buy a new phone~!!!
Forgot to write a cheque to World Vision.. Hope I still have money left in that account. Anyone wants to chip in?
Although your scores were generally quite good, you scored well outside the normal range in at least one category. This suggests that you should probably consult with a mental health professional for further testing or treatment. There is most certainly a professional out there who can help improve the symptoms you are experiencing.
The following are the areas of concern detected by the screening:
You show signs of suffering from a Social Phobia.
You show signs of Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
Your responses strongly indicate that you suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder.
The test also detected symptoms of one or more disorders that did not meet all the criteria, but that may still merit treatment.
The following are the areas of concern detected by the screening:
You have experienced some symptoms of a brief psychotic episode, but not enough to qualify as a full-blown episode.
You have experienced symptoms of a major depressive episode, but not enough to qualify as a full-blown episode, or as major depressive disorder.
You have experienced symptoms of a manic episode.
Although you meet the criteria for the frequency of symptoms, your symptoms do not appear to be severe enough to meet the criteria for Bipolar disorder.
You experience some symptoms of Simple Phobia.
You experience some symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.
You suffer from symptoms of bulimia but do not meet all the criteria for the illness.
Went to church today, hope that can ward off some bad luck..
Graphics card spoilt, no Gunbound. DAMNIT.. *not like I always play but..*
Got my Visa Mini yesterday, and misplaced it yesterday.. hahaha.. Bestbest was impressed by my ability to misplace things.. I think others share the smae sentiments too.. hahah... wondering which freebie I should redeem.. should it be the leather case or the metal one.. think I shall get the leather one cos' the metal one would prolly get scratched like... like.. I dunno.. or like bestbest said, it'll prolly be covered by stickers all over.. oh well.. I will think about it.. but first, I need to find the envelope with the voucher and the card.. haha!
The Bent it like Beckham later.. Nice movie.. anyone reading this before 7 should tune in to channel 5~~
New Disney movie Home on the Range.. ANYONE?
No takers for Private parts... haiya!
Someone invited me somewhere, I am not sure if it's friday or Saturday and I deleted the message and I don't have that friend's number.. and I don't have the number of the other friend who is going with me.. DAMNIT.. SOMEONE CALL ME~~~
Think I will go collect my phone tomorrow..
Hope my parents strike 4D or toto or whatever along those lines.. I need to buy a new phone~!!!
Forgot to write a cheque to World Vision.. Hope I still have money left in that account. Anyone wants to chip in?
Although your scores were generally quite good, you scored well outside the normal range in at least one category. This suggests that you should probably consult with a mental health professional for further testing or treatment. There is most certainly a professional out there who can help improve the symptoms you are experiencing.
The following are the areas of concern detected by the screening:
You show signs of suffering from a Social Phobia.
You show signs of Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
Your responses strongly indicate that you suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder.
The test also detected symptoms of one or more disorders that did not meet all the criteria, but that may still merit treatment.
The following are the areas of concern detected by the screening:
You have experienced some symptoms of a brief psychotic episode, but not enough to qualify as a full-blown episode.
You have experienced symptoms of a major depressive episode, but not enough to qualify as a full-blown episode, or as major depressive disorder.
You have experienced symptoms of a manic episode.
Although you meet the criteria for the frequency of symptoms, your symptoms do not appear to be severe enough to meet the criteria for Bipolar disorder.
You experience some symptoms of Simple Phobia.
You experience some symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.
You suffer from symptoms of bulimia but do not meet all the criteria for the illness.
这一天正开始 昨天发生过坏事
太阳还是同的姿势 小鸟还是那个拍子
没什么会停止 别人继续过日子
站在地球小小位置 谁在意我们的争执
突然间有一点情绪 也有一些道理 说给陌生人听
那声音消失空气里 也就没有留下任何坏的讯息
爱是固执的 我只要在兵荒马乱中 找到和平
和平对待你 不掉泪 是因为好多事还要努力
我是固执的 我微笑 就代表我正在要求和平
和平对待你 这一天 就这么开始 我会相信你
突然间有一点情绪 也有一些道理 说给陌生人听
那声音消失空气里 也就没有留下任何坏的讯息
爱是固执的 我只要在兵荒马乱中 找到和平
和平对待你 不掉泪 是因为好多事还要努力
我是固执的 我微笑 就代表我正在要求和平
和平对待你 这一天 就这么开始 我会相信你
我会相信你 真的相信你 我会相信你
A song by 孙燕姿.. unfortunately it's not very popular, so no MTV, no KTV.. bleurgh.. it's my personal favourite anyway..
Anyone who wants the mp3, feel free to ask me~
和平... yeah, 我向我自己要求和平
这一天正开始 昨天发生过坏事
太阳还是同的姿势 小鸟还是那个拍子
没什么会停止 别人继续过日子
站在地球小小位置 谁在意我们的争执
突然间有一点情绪 也有一些道理 说给陌生人听
那声音消失空气里 也就没有留下任何坏的讯息
爱是固执的 我只要在兵荒马乱中 找到和平
和平对待你 不掉泪 是因为好多事还要努力
我是固执的 我微笑 就代表我正在要求和平
和平对待你 这一天 就这么开始 我会相信你
突然间有一点情绪 也有一些道理 说给陌生人听
那声音消失空气里 也就没有留下任何坏的讯息
爱是固执的 我只要在兵荒马乱中 找到和平
和平对待你 不掉泪 是因为好多事还要努力
我是固执的 我微笑 就代表我正在要求和平
和平对待你 这一天 就这么开始 我会相信你
我会相信你 真的相信你 我会相信你
A song by 孙燕姿.. unfortunately it's not very popular, so no MTV, no KTV.. bleurgh.. it's my personal favourite anyway..
Anyone who wants the mp3, feel free to ask me~
和平... yeah, 我向我自己要求和平
Saturday, June 12, 2004
Hope I don't sound like her when I sing...muahahhahahah
Nothing much today besides sleeping.. and sleeping... and sleeping... think the handphone repair guy called.. too bad.. will collect my trusty next week prolly...
finishing up my cross-stitch soon... yayeeee...
You are impulsive and have an easy-going approach to sex. You have the innate ability to remain on friendly terms with your ex-lovers. You are philosophical and rarely get too upset when a bed mate moves on. You simply rationalize that there will be a new love in your life shortly. You are good-natured, straightforward and generous. You love your freedom and must be allowed to travel. You will not be happy if forced to settle in one place and your residence will rarely look established. You quickly move on from a man, job or living quarters if you don't find yourself being stimulated anymore. You honestly bewilder men.
You do much better when it comes to friendships then you do in love relationships. Here's a look at how you do match up to other signs.
SAGITTARIUS & ARIES: This is not a bad match while it lasts. Fun-loving, adventuresome, certainly compatible. Both you and the Ram like to do your own thing, therefore you often part on friendly terms as you go off in your own directions.
SAGITTARIUS & TAURUS: The Bull leads too structured a life for you to conform to. This is not a likely match. Taureans see you as a wanderer with no apparent direction.
SAGITTARIUS & GEMINI: You are polar opposites giving this connection plenty of chemistry, however outside activities tend to take you both in different directions. You both like to take chances and depend too much on luck.
SAGITTARIUS & CANCER: You are a traveler and the Crab is a homebody that automatically puts you on a different wave length. This combination makes a much better friendship. You could never live within the other's life-style and remain happy.
SAGITTARIUS & LEO: This is probably one of your best match ups. You bring out the best in one another. You both have a very carefree approach to life and love.
SAGITTARIUS & VIRGO: Virgo's do not handle your lifestyle well. You can not put up with the Virgoan's meticulous, detailed way of doing everything.
SAGITTARIUS & LIBRA: This is probably one of your best connections. You get the freedom you desire and both of you absolutely hate confrontation, therefore problems are just put on the shelf.
SAGITTARIUS & SCORPIO: The Scorpion cannot live with your freedom loving wandering spirit. When the jealousy sets in you'll be off to greener pastures.
SAGITTARIUS & SAGITTARIUS: You will shake well with one another. This combination is somewhat unpredictable. It's not always a lasting union due to a lack of being in the same place at the same time, but truly a hot affair.
SAGITTARIUS & CAPRICORN: You are impulsive, risk-taking and always looking for adventure that frightens the cautious Goat. This is really not a suitable union, You are far too different to ever exist together.
SAGITTARIUS & AQUARIUS: You both love adventure, travel and the great outdoors. You can have a lasting relationship, especially if it is a long distance romance.
SAGITTARIUS & PISCES: This is a passionate attraction, but unfortunately neither one of you can supply the other with the emotional factor required to make this coalition work.
So far, I can only comment that the capricorn is pretty true..
Some boliao stuffs.. hahhaa
Nothing much today besides sleeping.. and sleeping... and sleeping... think the handphone repair guy called.. too bad.. will collect my trusty next week prolly...
finishing up my cross-stitch soon... yayeeee...
You are impulsive and have an easy-going approach to sex. You have the innate ability to remain on friendly terms with your ex-lovers. You are philosophical and rarely get too upset when a bed mate moves on. You simply rationalize that there will be a new love in your life shortly. You are good-natured, straightforward and generous. You love your freedom and must be allowed to travel. You will not be happy if forced to settle in one place and your residence will rarely look established. You quickly move on from a man, job or living quarters if you don't find yourself being stimulated anymore. You honestly bewilder men.
You do much better when it comes to friendships then you do in love relationships. Here's a look at how you do match up to other signs.
SAGITTARIUS & ARIES: This is not a bad match while it lasts. Fun-loving, adventuresome, certainly compatible. Both you and the Ram like to do your own thing, therefore you often part on friendly terms as you go off in your own directions.
SAGITTARIUS & TAURUS: The Bull leads too structured a life for you to conform to. This is not a likely match. Taureans see you as a wanderer with no apparent direction.
SAGITTARIUS & GEMINI: You are polar opposites giving this connection plenty of chemistry, however outside activities tend to take you both in different directions. You both like to take chances and depend too much on luck.
SAGITTARIUS & CANCER: You are a traveler and the Crab is a homebody that automatically puts you on a different wave length. This combination makes a much better friendship. You could never live within the other's life-style and remain happy.
SAGITTARIUS & LEO: This is probably one of your best match ups. You bring out the best in one another. You both have a very carefree approach to life and love.
SAGITTARIUS & VIRGO: Virgo's do not handle your lifestyle well. You can not put up with the Virgoan's meticulous, detailed way of doing everything.
SAGITTARIUS & LIBRA: This is probably one of your best connections. You get the freedom you desire and both of you absolutely hate confrontation, therefore problems are just put on the shelf.
SAGITTARIUS & SCORPIO: The Scorpion cannot live with your freedom loving wandering spirit. When the jealousy sets in you'll be off to greener pastures.
SAGITTARIUS & SAGITTARIUS: You will shake well with one another. This combination is somewhat unpredictable. It's not always a lasting union due to a lack of being in the same place at the same time, but truly a hot affair.
SAGITTARIUS & CAPRICORN: You are impulsive, risk-taking and always looking for adventure that frightens the cautious Goat. This is really not a suitable union, You are far too different to ever exist together.
SAGITTARIUS & AQUARIUS: You both love adventure, travel and the great outdoors. You can have a lasting relationship, especially if it is a long distance romance.
SAGITTARIUS & PISCES: This is a passionate attraction, but unfortunately neither one of you can supply the other with the emotional factor required to make this coalition work.
So far, I can only comment that the capricorn is pretty true..
Some boliao stuffs.. hahhaa
My immortal
I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
I would give the very breath from my chest
To give you all the things that my mind couldn't bear
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
Because your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone
These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I've held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me
You used to captivate me
By your resonating light
But now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face, it haunts my once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away all of the sanity in me
These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I've held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me
I'd love to walk away
And pull myself out of the rain
But I cant leave without you
I'd love to live without
The constant fear and endless doubt
But I can't live without you
When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When youd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I've held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me
One classic song that I cannot stop listening.. every word is so meaningful.. hahaha... so to summarise in 'Buangsters' term, the whole song is just telling someone to "go away LEIiIiIIiii"
Went KTV with Buangsters and Francis.. sang FIR's fly away.. Someone mentioned that she's a cross between Shanbao and YongZhi... SCAREEEEE
Suppressed by all my childish fears
I would give the very breath from my chest
To give you all the things that my mind couldn't bear
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
Because your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone
These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I've held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me
You used to captivate me
By your resonating light
But now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face, it haunts my once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away all of the sanity in me
These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I've held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me
I'd love to walk away
And pull myself out of the rain
But I cant leave without you
I'd love to live without
The constant fear and endless doubt
But I can't live without you
When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When youd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I've held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me
One classic song that I cannot stop listening.. every word is so meaningful.. hahaha... so to summarise in 'Buangsters' term, the whole song is just telling someone to "go away LEIiIiIIiii"
Went KTV with Buangsters and Francis.. sang FIR's fly away.. Someone mentioned that she's a cross between Shanbao and YongZhi... SCAREEEEE
Friday, June 11, 2004
HoHoHo? hahah
#merry merry christmas
lonely lonely christmas
lonely lonely christmas
merry merry christmas
repeat *#
Dedicate the next song to bestbest who is rather traumatised by HAMMIE now.. hahaha... hope you find Somebody soon....
I want somebody to share
Share the rest of my life
Share my innermost thoughts
Know my intimate details
Someone who'll stand by my side
And give me support
And in return
She'll get my support
She will listen to me
When I want to speak
About the world we live in
And life in general
Though my views may be wrong
They may even be perverted
She'll hear me out
And won't easily be converted
To my way of thinking
In fact she'll often disagree
But at the end of it all
She will understand me
I want somebody who cares
For me passionately
With every thought and
With every breath
Someone who'll help me see things
In a different light
All the things I detest
I will almost like
I don't want to be tied
To anyone's strings
I'm carefully trying to steer clear of
Those things
But when I'm asleep
I want somebody
Who will put their arms around me
And kiss me tenderly
Though things like this
Make me sick
In a case like this
I'll get away with it
ULtra romantic song.. IN MY HUMBLE OPINION... anyone who wants the mp3, I HAVE~~
#merry merry christmas
lonely lonely christmas
lonely lonely christmas
merry merry christmas
repeat *#
Dedicate the next song to bestbest who is rather traumatised by HAMMIE now.. hahaha... hope you find Somebody soon....
I want somebody to share
Share the rest of my life
Share my innermost thoughts
Know my intimate details
Someone who'll stand by my side
And give me support
And in return
She'll get my support
She will listen to me
When I want to speak
About the world we live in
And life in general
Though my views may be wrong
They may even be perverted
She'll hear me out
And won't easily be converted
To my way of thinking
In fact she'll often disagree
But at the end of it all
She will understand me
I want somebody who cares
For me passionately
With every thought and
With every breath
Someone who'll help me see things
In a different light
All the things I detest
I will almost like
I don't want to be tied
To anyone's strings
I'm carefully trying to steer clear of
Those things
But when I'm asleep
I want somebody
Who will put their arms around me
And kiss me tenderly
Though things like this
Make me sick
In a case like this
I'll get away with it
ULtra romantic song.. IN MY HUMBLE OPINION... anyone who wants the mp3, I HAVE~~
Thursday, June 10, 2004
I'm not sure what to name the blog... sway is just an understatement... DAMNIT..
Lappie brokedown, followed by PC and then my trusty Nokia 6510 which is going to be 2 in 1 month's time...
Like Bestbest suggested I shoud stay away from all electronic devices as to prevent anything from blasting in my face...
New phone shopping.. should it be 7200 or 6230? I would like a nokia phone, or any phones with built-in radio like my ex-trusty.. oh well...
Lappie brokedown, followed by PC and then my trusty Nokia 6510 which is going to be 2 in 1 month's time...
Like Bestbest suggested I shoud stay away from all electronic devices as to prevent anything from blasting in my face...
New phone shopping.. should it be 7200 or 6230? I would like a nokia phone, or any phones with built-in radio like my ex-trusty.. oh well...
Sunday, June 06, 2004
Not much thoughts today... I AM FINALLY NOT THINKING!!! Yayeeeeee
Just a cute ad to share: adidas
checked out some prices for short trips to Malaysia.. I figure that I can go many times with different groups of people rather than travelling further alone.. so oh well....
Wants to watch Private Part by Michael Chiang(think it's Chiang).
Just a cute ad to share: adidas
checked out some prices for short trips to Malaysia.. I figure that I can go many times with different groups of people rather than travelling further alone.. so oh well....
Wants to watch Private Part by Michael Chiang(think it's Chiang).
Saturday, June 05, 2004
Almost over you
I saw an old friend of our today
She asked about you and I didn't quite know what to say
Heard you've been makin' the rounds round here
While I've been tryin' to make the tears disappear
Now I'm almost over you
I've almost shook these blues
So when you come back around
After painting the town you'll see
That I'm almost over you
You're such a sly one with your cold, cold heart
For you leavin' come easy but it tore me apart
Time heals all wounds they say and I should know
'Cause it seems like forever but I'm lettin' you go
Now I'm almost over you
I've almost shook these blues
So when you come back around
After painting the town you'll see
That I'm almost over you
I can forgive you and soon I'll forget all my shattered dreams
You took the love that you wanted and left me the misery
Now I'm almost over you
I've almost shook these blues
So when you come back around
After painting the town you'll see
That I'm almost over you
==Lila McCann==
Heard it while jogging just now.. another nice song..
Currently listening to some U2 song on class 95...
Might transfer Ellie's Travel Funds to Ellie's Phone Funds.. hahaha..maybe not. I rather use a 3 yr old phone and travel.. FLY~~~~~
She asked about you and I didn't quite know what to say
Heard you've been makin' the rounds round here
While I've been tryin' to make the tears disappear
Now I'm almost over you
I've almost shook these blues
So when you come back around
After painting the town you'll see
That I'm almost over you
You're such a sly one with your cold, cold heart
For you leavin' come easy but it tore me apart
Time heals all wounds they say and I should know
'Cause it seems like forever but I'm lettin' you go
Now I'm almost over you
I've almost shook these blues
So when you come back around
After painting the town you'll see
That I'm almost over you
I can forgive you and soon I'll forget all my shattered dreams
You took the love that you wanted and left me the misery
Now I'm almost over you
I've almost shook these blues
So when you come back around
After painting the town you'll see
That I'm almost over you
==Lila McCann==
Heard it while jogging just now.. another nice song..
Currently listening to some U2 song on class 95...
Might transfer Ellie's Travel Funds to Ellie's Phone Funds.. hahaha..maybe not. I rather use a 3 yr old phone and travel.. FLY~~~~~
Ellie Travel Funds..
Granted. But nowhere to go.. or rather, no one to go with.. Decided not to go Shanghai, still looking for somewhere to run.. and someone to run with me.. Anyone interested? Prolly some Asia countries.. ETF is not a huge amount anyway...
Me, Huili and the green postbox
| | |Conned again
I got conned by a cabby today and while being conned, I realised that I was conned by the cabbie yesterday too... oh well... times are bad but they should not con broken students right?
as I was saying.. Was talking to Eve today.. and she figured out who Woozy (read blog on going back to work at night) is.. anyway, she noticed some changes also.. but oh well...
Hate to admit some stuffs, but I know Eve is right.. and maybe I've known that long before she pointed out.. but yes, I love self-deception... She mentioned that I should not 钻牛角尖, I think that is the biggest problem I face.. I'll grow up ONE day, I'm just not very sure when that will be... urgh.. so childish.
For a start I should stop imagining worst-case scenerios whenever I meet a problem.. Yes Eve, I do agree that that makes one's mind twisted in the long run, but I can't help it.. my mentality? to prepare myself for the worst so that when it really hits me, it doesn't hurt that much...
And I told her about a friend who kind of betrayed me for a guy.. in my humble opinion, that was betrayal, but then again, I might just be kicking a big fuss... so for those who have not heard this DAMN childish story which I am pretty sure I've broadcast it 327490792 times, let me highlight my key point here. If you are a girl and you like a guy, and you think I like that guy, u can choose to ask me directly or ignore whether I like or's fair competition, even if I really like him..*this is so primary-schoolish* Anyway, ending note to that childish episode I DID NOT at all fall for him..AND NO, I did not fall for her either...*it's not pride, I just didn't fall for him* Just don't lie to me, it's VERY sickening...
And that was the last close friend I ever had.. too much trust and reliance is not healthy for a friendship.. everything should be taken with a lil' pinch of my humblest opinion..
now, I wonder how could 2 people have so much to talk about.. it's like we used to meet everyday, sms each other and talk on the phone..*sounds so lesbianeeee* prolly we were just very happy to exist in our own lil world then... Still I missed those times.. oh well...*I've once again convinced my dear readers that I am an ULTRA boliao and childish person.. oh well, I LIKE~~~*
Today is spill-drinks day.. After a rather detailed recap of today's events, I can confirm that I spilled drinks over at least 4 times.. and the coffee incident was the most catastrophic one, in my humble opinion...
I resolve to work harder next week.. as in, more attentive at work..
I resolve to study harder next sem.. no more silly thoughts and crushes..
as I was saying.. Was talking to Eve today.. and she figured out who Woozy (read blog on going back to work at night) is.. anyway, she noticed some changes also.. but oh well...
Hate to admit some stuffs, but I know Eve is right.. and maybe I've known that long before she pointed out.. but yes, I love self-deception... She mentioned that I should not 钻牛角尖, I think that is the biggest problem I face.. I'll grow up ONE day, I'm just not very sure when that will be... urgh.. so childish.
For a start I should stop imagining worst-case scenerios whenever I meet a problem.. Yes Eve, I do agree that that makes one's mind twisted in the long run, but I can't help it.. my mentality? to prepare myself for the worst so that when it really hits me, it doesn't hurt that much...
And I told her about a friend who kind of betrayed me for a guy.. in my humble opinion, that was betrayal, but then again, I might just be kicking a big fuss... so for those who have not heard this DAMN childish story which I am pretty sure I've broadcast it 327490792 times, let me highlight my key point here. If you are a girl and you like a guy, and you think I like that guy, u can choose to ask me directly or ignore whether I like or's fair competition, even if I really like him..*this is so primary-schoolish* Anyway, ending note to that childish episode I DID NOT at all fall for him..AND NO, I did not fall for her either...*it's not pride, I just didn't fall for him* Just don't lie to me, it's VERY sickening...
And that was the last close friend I ever had.. too much trust and reliance is not healthy for a friendship.. everything should be taken with a lil' pinch of my humblest opinion..
now, I wonder how could 2 people have so much to talk about.. it's like we used to meet everyday, sms each other and talk on the phone..*sounds so lesbianeeee* prolly we were just very happy to exist in our own lil world then... Still I missed those times.. oh well...*I've once again convinced my dear readers that I am an ULTRA boliao and childish person.. oh well, I LIKE~~~*
Today is spill-drinks day.. After a rather detailed recap of today's events, I can confirm that I spilled drinks over at least 4 times.. and the coffee incident was the most catastrophic one, in my humble opinion...
I resolve to work harder next week.. as in, more attentive at work..
I resolve to study harder next sem.. no more silly thoughts and crushes..
Friday, June 04, 2004
Burning question..
was talking to Eve about myself.. Suddenly remember a not-so-happy episode which till now I still have no idea why it happened and how did it actually happen.. although it's already over for a very long time, I decided to ask the other party.. haven't got the chance yet.. will do it after the show.. and after my jog.. later.
*bundle of nerves*
BURning question not answered... DAMNIT.
what the hell....
*bundle of nerves*
BURning question not answered... DAMNIT.
what the hell....
A playful, adventurous yet respectable Dog. Swift, open and sincere, he will be well-liked for his considerate ways and sensible outlook. Informal and warmly personal, he shows his feelings without pretense. Levelheaded and realistic, he is quick to respond and is precise in speech and manners. A notable keeper of confidences, he rarely squirms or falters under pressure. This solar-lunar union produces an expansive and thoughtful personality.
Water Dog - 1922, 1982, 2042
An intuitive type of Dog, who will be difficult to lead astray. He could be very attractive and a striking beauty if a female.
Water gives him more reflective qualities and he will be sympathetic to the views of the opposite side. However, despite his pleasant personality and democratic stance, he does not establish very strong personal bonds to those close to him and is often too liberal where he should be more firm.
More easygoing than other Dogs, he will tend to be lenient with himself as well as with others, often indulging in self-gratification and adventurous sprees. But because his strong temperament will be toned down by the Water element, this Dog is able to contain his emotions to an admirable degree and will present a calm and charming exterior.
A good counselor, fair judge and legal-minded operator, the Water Dog will be fluid in expressing himself, using psychological approaches that are hard to refuse or refute. He is fated also to have a large circle of friends and his company will be much sough after.
A playful, adventurous yet respectable Dog. Swift, open and sincere, he will be well-liked for his considerate ways and sensible outlook. Informal and warmly personal, he shows his feelings without pretense. Levelheaded and realistic, he is quick to respond and is precise in speech and manners. A notable keeper of confidences, he rarely squirms or falters under pressure. This solar-lunar union produces an expansive and thoughtful personality.
Water Dog - 1922, 1982, 2042
An intuitive type of Dog, who will be difficult to lead astray. He could be very attractive and a striking beauty if a female.
Water gives him more reflective qualities and he will be sympathetic to the views of the opposite side. However, despite his pleasant personality and democratic stance, he does not establish very strong personal bonds to those close to him and is often too liberal where he should be more firm.
More easygoing than other Dogs, he will tend to be lenient with himself as well as with others, often indulging in self-gratification and adventurous sprees. But because his strong temperament will be toned down by the Water element, this Dog is able to contain his emotions to an admirable degree and will present a calm and charming exterior.
A good counselor, fair judge and legal-minded operator, the Water Dog will be fluid in expressing himself, using psychological approaches that are hard to refuse or refute. He is fated also to have a large circle of friends and his company will be much sough after.
"Hairy" Potter
Watched HP at Tiong Bahru, yep the dreaded place..
Today was a relatively-lousy day... anyway, my doc came late, thus everything was later than scheduled and I ended up taking a cab.. The cab driver was quite funni, so I was laughing throughout the journey.. hahahah...a guy with quite amzing experience, having lived in Holland (land of sex,booze and weed) and parts of Europe..
Then he was telling me, that if I want something, go for it.. I want him, but I've let go.. so I was telling him, girls can'taccomplish that much.. I meant can't be like him.. buy a one way ticket to some place that you've never been and stay and hang out and stuffs.. too much at stake for girls... I dun mean girls don't have the ability... I mean let's face it, girls have to take care of their body and bleeding times and stuffs...and I am not that conventional in thinking okaeeee...I just think girls have to put in more effort to really achieve what they want.. and maybe forego more things in life...I do believe that everyone can succeed if they make an effort.. and given my character.. I just can't be bothered to even compete.. I will just.. like one of my favourite songs.. 知难而进.
I hate competitions.. I hate to compete to prove that I am better.. I hate examinations.. I hate to go through tests to show that I have what it takes..I hate to lose, which is why I'm always giving up before putting up a fight.. Chances are no matter how hard I try, I'll lose you anyway...
My walls are falling apart... damnit...
nothing much about the movie.. not very fantastic.. couldn't sit still.. but oh well...
Dinenr was at the market with Chwee Kway, Fishballs, chicken rice.. nice... and VERY full...and we all smelt like the market after dinner.. YUCK.
then it's loitering around Tiong Bahru plaza and hanging out and crapping again..
KTV on Thursday but seems that JL couldn't make it.. hmmmm... we shall discuss it again...
Ellie will not be getting a tattoo or any piercings due to health implications.. DAMNIT... bye incy wincy spiderrrrr...
Saw a pair of nice GReen Adidas sneakers costing SGD80... HAIS.....
Listening to : Let Me In by Save Ferris.
Today was a relatively-lousy day... anyway, my doc came late, thus everything was later than scheduled and I ended up taking a cab.. The cab driver was quite funni, so I was laughing throughout the journey.. hahahah...a guy with quite amzing experience, having lived in Holland (land of sex,booze and weed) and parts of Europe..
Then he was telling me, that if I want something, go for it.. I want him, but I've let go.. so I was telling him, girls can'taccomplish that much.. I meant can't be like him.. buy a one way ticket to some place that you've never been and stay and hang out and stuffs.. too much at stake for girls... I dun mean girls don't have the ability... I mean let's face it, girls have to take care of their body and bleeding times and stuffs...and I am not that conventional in thinking okaeeee...I just think girls have to put in more effort to really achieve what they want.. and maybe forego more things in life...I do believe that everyone can succeed if they make an effort.. and given my character.. I just can't be bothered to even compete.. I will just.. like one of my favourite songs.. 知难而进.
I hate competitions.. I hate to compete to prove that I am better.. I hate examinations.. I hate to go through tests to show that I have what it takes..I hate to lose, which is why I'm always giving up before putting up a fight.. Chances are no matter how hard I try, I'll lose you anyway...
My walls are falling apart... damnit...
nothing much about the movie.. not very fantastic.. couldn't sit still.. but oh well...
Dinenr was at the market with Chwee Kway, Fishballs, chicken rice.. nice... and VERY full...and we all smelt like the market after dinner.. YUCK.
then it's loitering around Tiong Bahru plaza and hanging out and crapping again..
KTV on Thursday but seems that JL couldn't make it.. hmmmm... we shall discuss it again...
Ellie will not be getting a tattoo or any piercings due to health implications.. DAMNIT... bye incy wincy spiderrrrr...
Saw a pair of nice GReen Adidas sneakers costing SGD80... HAIS.....
Listening to : Let Me In by Save Ferris.
Thursday, June 03, 2004
Burnt a big whole in my pocket today... and like I said, bought things that I might not use in the next 23486413 years... hahhaa.. Willl have to either eat grass or activate DSE fund.. Aka Daddy Save Ellie Fund.. hahhaha
Frantically trying to find my Shino'sCD.. still no avail.. BUT I did manage to find the booklet... so in memory of that missing CD, I shall post some of the lyrics, maybe all, from that album.. SHINO, I LOVE YEWWWWWWW~~~
Oh did I mention about that TS classmate Audrey who looks like Shino? I'm always VERY VERY excited when she's around... hahhhaaa... SICK
So I shall start from my favourite songs first yeah? Don't ask me for the MP3, I can't locate that CD yet... DAMNIT..
播了又博 总是call错
So nice to type in chinese.. I shall share another song then~~
不要吞吞吐吐 想要分手就分
让你觉得 我从没认真
Some typo cos the booklet is in 繁体字 and I can't read them, so I just substitute with words that I think they are... of cos' high chances that I am wrong.. oh well...
Just wondering.. why do we have to change? Why do we grow up to be different from what we were 15 years ago? Sometimes I wonder if the person I am having a crush on is still the person he is, or rather, in my case, persons and they are when I first got to know them... or do I actually know them.. like cyclist for example.. who the hell is he? I'll never get to find out..*I would love to*
I think sometimes we are holding on for the wrong reasons.. and sometimes, we just do not want to face the hard, cold facts.. everyone deserves to be humoured once in a while.. maybe I've been living a lie for too long.. hahhaha
Junling asked what motivated me to run.. uh... when the nurses can't find your veins and you got poked for nth times just to draw some blood from you, a little running is worth it.. hahaha... and furthermore, I always imagine, somewhere along Bukit Timah Road, a cute guy is running too.. hahahhaa...
Watching "Hairy(in bestbest's terms) Potter" tomorrow.. at Tiong Bahru..I DON'T LIKE Tiong Bahru.. to be more specific, I hate Tiong Bahru..Don't like.. hate.. whatever... Will be eating grass tomorrow.. haaha.. hope I can get my ear piercing done.. Just put up a poll.. feel free to cast your 'precious' votes~~~
Hope I find my Shino's CD soon... I promise I will arrange them properly once I find that one...
Faithful Ellie
Frantically trying to find my Shino'sCD.. still no avail.. BUT I did manage to find the booklet... so in memory of that missing CD, I shall post some of the lyrics, maybe all, from that album.. SHINO, I LOVE YEWWWWWWW~~~
Oh did I mention about that TS classmate Audrey who looks like Shino? I'm always VERY VERY excited when she's around... hahhhaaa... SICK
So I shall start from my favourite songs first yeah? Don't ask me for the MP3, I can't locate that CD yet... DAMNIT..
播了又博 总是call错
So nice to type in chinese.. I shall share another song then~~
不要吞吞吐吐 想要分手就分
让你觉得 我从没认真
Some typo cos the booklet is in 繁体字 and I can't read them, so I just substitute with words that I think they are... of cos' high chances that I am wrong.. oh well...
Just wondering.. why do we have to change? Why do we grow up to be different from what we were 15 years ago? Sometimes I wonder if the person I am having a crush on is still the person he is, or rather, in my case, persons and they are when I first got to know them... or do I actually know them.. like cyclist for example.. who the hell is he? I'll never get to find out..*I would love to*
I think sometimes we are holding on for the wrong reasons.. and sometimes, we just do not want to face the hard, cold facts.. everyone deserves to be humoured once in a while.. maybe I've been living a lie for too long.. hahhaha
Junling asked what motivated me to run.. uh... when the nurses can't find your veins and you got poked for nth times just to draw some blood from you, a little running is worth it.. hahaha... and furthermore, I always imagine, somewhere along Bukit Timah Road, a cute guy is running too.. hahahhaa...
Watching "Hairy(in bestbest's terms) Potter" tomorrow.. at Tiong Bahru..I DON'T LIKE Tiong Bahru.. to be more specific, I hate Tiong Bahru..Don't like.. hate.. whatever... Will be eating grass tomorrow.. haaha.. hope I can get my ear piercing done.. Just put up a poll.. feel free to cast your 'precious' votes~~~
Hope I find my Shino's CD soon... I promise I will arrange them properly once I find that one...
Faithful Ellie
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
|The wedding planner
Sometime ago when I watched this, I was pleased with the ending.. Mary and Steve.. I was jumping and close to screaming when Steve was on the way to Cityhall..
But as I watched it again tonight, I thought Mary should end up with Massimo.. and Steve should just get married.. I mean let's face it, how many people do actually marry the one they love most? THAT'S LIFE.. and I've learnt to settle for the second best.. or just settle for something.. might not be what I like at all..
So you've guessed it, I'm back to the cynical mode..
Someone turned on the switch, I can't turn it off!!!!
But as I watched it again tonight, I thought Mary should end up with Massimo.. and Steve should just get married.. I mean let's face it, how many people do actually marry the one they love most? THAT'S LIFE.. and I've learnt to settle for the second best.. or just settle for something.. might not be what I like at all..
So you've guessed it, I'm back to the cynical mode..
Someone turned on the switch, I can't turn it off!!!!
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
This love
This Love === Maroon 5
I was so high I did not recognize
The fire burning in her eyes
The chaos that controlled my mind
Whispered goodbye and she got on a plane
Never to return again
But always in my heart
This love has taken its toll on me
She said Goodbye too many times before
And her heart is breaking in front of me
I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore
I tried my best to feed her appetite
Keep her coming every night
So hard to keep her satisfied
Kept playing love like it was just a game
Pretending to feel the same
Then turn around and leave again
This love has taken its toll on me
She said Goodbye too many times before
And her heart is breaking in front of me
I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore
I'll fix these broken things
Repair your broken wings
And make sure everything's alright
My pressure on your hips
Sinking my fingertips
Into every inch of you
Cause I know that's what you want me to do
This love has taken its toll on me
She said Goodbye too many times before
And her heart is breaking in front of me
I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore
This love has taken its toll on me
She said Goodbye too many times before
And my heart is breaking in front of me
She said goodbye too many times before
This love has taken its toll on me
she said Goodbye too many times before
And her heart is breaking in front of me
I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore
This love has taken its toll on me
She said Goodbye too many times before
Her heart is breaking in front of me
And i have no choice cause I wont say goodbye anymore
Current favourite song. Anyone with the MP3?
I've made up my mind on certain things..I hope I will not regret this decision.. I gave up the fight.. I'm just tired of trying anymore..
I was so high I did not recognize
The fire burning in her eyes
The chaos that controlled my mind
Whispered goodbye and she got on a plane
Never to return again
But always in my heart
This love has taken its toll on me
She said Goodbye too many times before
And her heart is breaking in front of me
I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore
I tried my best to feed her appetite
Keep her coming every night
So hard to keep her satisfied
Kept playing love like it was just a game
Pretending to feel the same
Then turn around and leave again
This love has taken its toll on me
She said Goodbye too many times before
And her heart is breaking in front of me
I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore
I'll fix these broken things
Repair your broken wings
And make sure everything's alright
My pressure on your hips
Sinking my fingertips
Into every inch of you
Cause I know that's what you want me to do
This love has taken its toll on me
She said Goodbye too many times before
And her heart is breaking in front of me
I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore
This love has taken its toll on me
She said Goodbye too many times before
And my heart is breaking in front of me
She said goodbye too many times before
This love has taken its toll on me
she said Goodbye too many times before
And her heart is breaking in front of me
I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore
This love has taken its toll on me
She said Goodbye too many times before
Her heart is breaking in front of me
And i have no choice cause I wont say goodbye anymore
Current favourite song. Anyone with the MP3?
I've made up my mind on certain things..I hope I will not regret this decision.. I gave up the fight.. I'm just tired of trying anymore..
Today is a bad day to go for tests.. blood and urine... so first I got poked 3 times and there was no blood.. so the nurse decided that I go pee first... and.. no pee.. after one hour of walking around and a cup of watermelon juice, I pee-ed..
and back to blood test..finally got it at the 4th attempt. and the 2nd and 3rd attempts are still is OUCH! OUCH! ao anyway today I decided is not a good day for tests..
Went to Reading Room to 'breakfast' and it was already 3 plus.. had fish and chips. and then went home with Feng.. Had dinner with my family at opposite kopitiam.. SO FULL...
basically it's a painful day.. Bought many things at Novena square before going to reading room.. some vitamin pills, underwear, chocolates.. and yes, I saw the $5 Esprit bag Junling... ok lah.. considering only $5.. ahhahaha
Forgot to take medicine.. off now~
and back to blood test..finally got it at the 4th attempt. and the 2nd and 3rd attempts are still is OUCH! OUCH! ao anyway today I decided is not a good day for tests..
Went to Reading Room to 'breakfast' and it was already 3 plus.. had fish and chips. and then went home with Feng.. Had dinner with my family at opposite kopitiam.. SO FULL...
basically it's a painful day.. Bought many things at Novena square before going to reading room.. some vitamin pills, underwear, chocolates.. and yes, I saw the $5 Esprit bag Junling... ok lah.. considering only $5.. ahhahaha
Forgot to take medicine.. off now~
Heeded Coins' advice, post as many pics as you want~~ wahahaha.. which is what I did and migth do for the next few days~~ yayeeee

My baby fondly known as vainpot.. She insisted that she was going for a dip in the pool when there's no pool at my ahma's house.. bathtub maybe

My declaration of Love |
I need to know how to feel without you.. I need to find myself, to give you the space you need, to move in a different direction from yours.. I want to know how life can go on without you.. I want to embrace joy, indulge in love, to enjoy every drop of sunshine that falls on me.. I will conquer my fear of living in a world without you.. I will live my life as though I had never met you... |